Florida Man in SoCal (2/3)

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(Snow's Note: This is mostly just the actual episode so it might be a little boring)

"Are we gonna drive up that big rock?" Florida asked excitedly at see the large pointy hill.

"The mountain?" Was the flat  answer that came. It was obviously, exactly what it looked like.

"That's a mountain. Which one space, thunder, splash?" He didn't understand that it was actually just a bunch of rocks. Still wanting to be something fun. Or something to commit crimes with.

"No Florida it's just a regular mountain. There are no rides" California tried to explain so Florida wouldn't either get mad at him or attempt to ride the mountain. Although something chaotic was probably gonna happen at some point.

"Well not with that attitude" He laughed think of all the ways to make the mountain into a ride. Most of the ideas where ambiguously illegal.

"Remind me never to go on a hike with you" California said vaguely terified of the potential of going on a hike with him. It would either be really fun or terrifying.

"Well if there aren't any gators I don't want to go any-" His sentence was cut off when he noticed the strange noise. "w-what's that noise what noise?" His voice slightly panicked. Cali looked at him in confusion. "tick tick tick tick tick tick" He described.

"My blinker?" Cali's confusion only rose.

"You turned on your blinker?" Florida now completely panic for both their safety.

"Yes?" Cali answered cautiously. He did turn on his blinker. What was wrong with that? That's how driving works, you signal where you want to go so people know what you're doing and don't hit your car.

"Why you mad man. you're gonna get us killed" Florida's genuine fear scared Cali.

"What are you talking about?" He now also panicked.

"The only reason you turn on your blinker is to let the person behind you know they need to speed up" Was the explaination about his panic. It seemed obvious to him.

"That's insane. Why would anyone do that?" California was further confused by Florida's response. Of course it would be something crazy, it's Florida.

"Because this is the highway there are no rules on the highway." He braced himself on the car hanger handle. Cali  clearly wasn't listening to his explanation and it wasn't going to turn out well when they crash.

"That's completely not true" He responded in a way to calm himself down and maybe Florida too. It wasn't true but that was still a scary thought.

"just turn it off before you get us killed" He was quickly thinking of a way to save both of them because it was probably already too late.

"Will you calm down. Look this person is letting us in" Cali tried to comfort him. Everything was still normal and they where fine. He knew they were completely safe even though Flo didn't. That did nothing to calm him though.

"No" Florida only panicked more as he looked around the car. His voice showed it less, but he knew something was going to go wrong.

"No what?" The surtainty might have scared Cali more than the panic before.

"No I don't trust it. It's a trap" He was absolutely positive that this was going to end badly. No way someone would just let them in, people don't do that.

"Oh my god it's not a trap" California was now slightly annoyed, but still concerned and trying to comfort Florida. This attempt also failed.

"Why would anybody let us in if they weren't planning something" This time with more suspicious than panic. Though there was some fear there.

"Because I turned on my blinker" Cali's voice was now calm.

"That can't be it. Where do you keep your road tax?" Flo basically demanded.

"My what?" California said in intense confusion and panic.

"Nevermind I'll just use mine." Florida chucked a strange explosive box out the window. "BOMBS AWAY"

"Florida no. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH" California screamed and panicked as there was an explosion near the back of his car.

Florida unbuckled and leaned across Cali in an attempt at protection. His right hand pushed on the side of the door as he was now fully in front of the golden state. California couldn't proses what was happening as the car shook and the door opened.

"Florida" Cali wrapped his arms around the sunshine states to lessen the fall to the asphalt. The car was falling the opposite way they were. At least they didn't have to worry about the car falling on them.

Cali's arms let go as his back hit the pavement. Florida's face was inches away from his. Even without the sun Flo's eyes still sparkled like eternal sunshine. Though he was still shocked from the crash he noticed the blue shine in his brown eyes. Cali cheeks flushed red as he tried not to think about it.

Florida's hands slammed into the pavement, scraping his palms. That wasn't the first thing he noticed though with his face just over Cali's. His arms on either side of the other states shoulders. His legs startled over him. Now that the beanie had fallen off he noticed how pretty the black wavy hair that flowed onto California's face were. It fell into a swoop over the broken lense of Cali's glasses.

Both of them were blushing and they could both see the other blushing. Their lips were close as they looked into each other's eyes.

They hurried to get off each other after they actually thought and realized what position they were in.

It was less than a minute, but they were very close. It was a romantic position and even though neither of them said anything they both knew there was something there.

They got back into the car. Only the back of it was really damaged. The trunk not closing wasn't really going the affect the drive, so it can be fixed later.

Now back in the car they tried to get back to normal conversation. "I never should've let you in my car" Cali said looking into the rear view mirror at the damage.

"I think you mean 'thank you Florida for saving us from that evil plot'"

Even though their conversation was back to normal there was still a slight awkwardness. They now knew that they liked each other.

(Word count 1040)

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