The start of The Axolotl Gang!

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  Le noob's Pov:

Today weather was HOT! I want to  buy icecream SO BADLY! Because of that I decided to buy icecream. When I was walking to the ice cream truck. I saw Axolot [my cousin] and I ran to him just to say hi! We started to start about Island. Suddently I heard a POOF sound! MY COUSINl TURN INTO A ...


  Axolotl started to melting everywhere! I WAS SCARED! SO I QUICKY BUY ICECREAM AND STUFF IT IN HIS MOUTH! It stopped melting. I saw Rya [my classmate] and quicky ask him for help us to change Axolotl normal again!Luckly he agrees! so we form uh- what again? i asked rya what'll our team name be. ' Since me and axolotl were both axolotl before so why not AXOLOTL GANG??" Rya answered. So we formed 


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