An Old Friend

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well quick reminder [This when Zhongli start his story] after I put this sign ( = )

and this [is for lumine]


Early in the morning

Rise and shine to all the being

Morning is the sign of the continuous start on the thing the living hold

Some may gone to work

Some cook for a breakfast

Some have gone to awake their prove of love, the child they have

and maybe

There is a pair had gone for their commission in a very glorious nation of Liyue

Sound a bit specific isn't it.Didn't mean to bother but that is what our Traveller

is doing.....

Lumine gone through a journey with Paimon, a little fairy by her side to fine her lost brother

Unknown God, the culprit that split them apart, the one who cost her brother to choose the path of abyss.She done that under an unknown reason.No one ever knew what is her motives

Why did she do this to them?

Let us not stray that far.Let's go back to Lumine shall we?

Lumine along with Paimon is now on a commission to pick up glaze lilies under ying'er request as a reason for her aromatic perfume ingredient

"Lumine! Paimon hungry should we head to Wanmin after this! Paimon could swallow a cow now!"under her normal tantrum Paimon sure is such a glutton.At first it maybe annoyed Lumine sometimes but now it just a thing she could laugh off

"Maybe later Paimon but if you do swallow a cow I wouldn't help with the bill instead I might have leave from your sight right after you fulfilled your glutton desire"Lumine said cause Paimon's body to shake in fright

"H-hey you wouldn't do that do you?..."


"Hey! Lumine!"

"Who know maybe not maybe yes"Paimon stop on her track while Lumine just kept walking snickering.It took her awhile to realize that Lumine was teasing her

"Oi! Lumine"She call her name but still she is far from her voice to reach afterall she pace out for a minute or so

Paimon flew as fast as she could slowly catching up with Lumine but at the point where they were very close Lumine suddenly stop left Paimon face lay splat on her back

"Hey why do you stop all of a sudd-"

"Paimon isn't that Zhongli?"Lumine's hand lift up as her index finger show the direction in the middle of the glaze lilies field

"Hmmm yeah you're right! What is he doing there?!"

"I don't know how about we check him out"as her word past through her lips Paimon already flew toward Zhongli left her to catch up with this little fairy
"It's been quite awhile how long has it goes, over a 2000 years ago? Look at this enchanted field it has never died down even after the war of gods.Your bless sure is magnificent my old friend if Guizhong is still here she sure will miss you much more than I do haha"he gaze on the field, the field of memories that only fill with happiness.Recalling the sweet time it was sure bring a smile on his face


"Hmmmm?"he turn toward the voice a small childish voice that he is very familiar with

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