
Start from the beginning

Chan untied them and let the maids take them to there rooms

Chan untied them and let the maids take them to there rooms

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(like this but mias can be diff colors)

~ivy pov~

This lovely lady takes me to this nice room i enter it looking around its ok ig time went by and i just stayed in my room most of the time mia was in my room because she didnt want to leave me."are you hungry" mia saked me "no" "please come with me to the kitchen" mia asked "what no way" "im hungry please" mia wined "ok fine"

then me and mia left the room looking for the kitchen it was so big we wonderd around trying to find it but gave up and asked a maid "excuse me wheres the kitchen" mia asked the maid then the maid showed us the way so we went thanking her she gave us a smile.

me and mia found it and as we walked in there were three young boys one we already know jeongin i could tell he felt uncomfortable around us and the other two idk "hey whats you twos name" i ask "im felix" the deep voice said "so your the one that called me a princess" mia said

making him feel weird "and im seungmin" the smiling one said "well hello to you all" i said smiling i walk close to jeongin making him look "dont feel uncomfortable around us" i whispered in his ear he looked at mia for help

"shes teasing you" mia said me and mia grabed some crisps and went back to my room and on the way we see changbin he was avoiding eye contact and walked past "i think hes still flustered" mia laughed.

~end ivy pov~

~chan pov~

I was walking to the kitchen to have dinner when i bumped into mia and ivy they had crisps so i took them "you cant eat this dinner is ready" i told them.

"i dont want to eat dinner" ivy said "you have to Come with me" i said.i pushed mia and ivys shoulders taking them to the kitchen to eat.and half way down the stairs we can hear yelling i enter the kitchen leeknow is holding hyunjins collar holding a knife at hyunjin them both freeze and look at me

Leekonw let go of hyunjin and the others where just eating and watching "someone got into a cat fight " ivy said the both of them bowl to me saying sorry."just so you know he started it" leeknow said defending him self "NO YOU DID" hyunjin said i pointed to my office for hyunjin to got to "fuck you" hyunjin said to leeknow.

"HEY you two stop your acting like fucking babys" mia said "and i thought my brother was a fucking baby" ivy said.hyunjin looked at them both and all the boys,as they sit and start eating the girls dont realize.

"what you all looking at go on go tell mr chan what you idiots are fighting for" ivy said "i bet its a girl" mia said "ha yeah seungmin bet 30 wer right" ivy said seungmin now looking at leeknow and then at the girls "hey boys cary on eating" i said and taking hyunjin to my office

~end chan pov~

~3rd person~

While Chan took hyunjin to his office the others where eating "whats his name" mia asked jisung pointing at leeknow "its leeknow" he said "hey what were you actually arguing about" mia asked leeknow who didnt respond.

"LEEKNOW" ivy said hiting her hand on the table making the others jump "what"he said "she asked you a question so answer you rude bitch" ivy said not aware that he was coming towards her "dont fucking call me that you hear me"leeknow said mia kicked ivy under the table and ivy looked at her "what hes not going to do anything"ivy said leeknow now had his gun out to her

Chan walked in with hyunjin "YA WHAT ARE YOU DOING"chan yelled snatching the gun out of his hands "she called me a bitch" leeknow said "because" ivy lookes up at him "you are" she smiled "you fu- come hear" leeknow tried to choke you but changbin grabed him

"i hate it hear im leaving" ivy said smiling and standing up "oh yeah and who ever made this...its disgusting" she said knowing leeknow made it.as she walked out chan blockes her

"your not leaving sit your ass down and apologize " chan said ivy sat "sorry leeknow" she said with sarcasm he gave her a look and walked out "i guess he dosnt want it" ivy said "why you in a mood ivy" mia said "you know" ivy said "oh" han said looking at seungmin because hes a nurse."its a new month go tell leeknow, ivy come"seungmin said

"whats wrong" jeongin asked mia " if you wanna know ask chan" mia said. after a while ivy came back but they where now in the front roon leeknow felix mia jisung and changbin playing games ivy walked to the sofa and sat "hey leeknow i-" she got cut off "i know dont worry" leeknow said smiling at her opening his hands for a hug which she gave he wraps his hand around her waist "dont go there leeknow" she said he removed his hands of her and then continued to play games.

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