Penpal Panic

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Umi settled back down in his cave, getting back to the letter he was writing to Plyat. 

"Considering my previous statements about the weather in Inazuma," He wrote, "It's safe to say that we don't get snow here. Though, the way you describe it makes it sound magical and makes me want to see it all the more!" He paused to think about his next statement.

What kind of things about Snezhnaya would he like to know? Perhaps things about the sweets? He wrote down his next few sentences; "If we do meet in Snezhnaya someday, I'd love to have a snowball fight with you, so long as you go easy on me. Out of curiosity, are there any Snezhnayan sweets you enjoy? I'm quite interested in other nations' cuisine." Umi decides to end his letter there, signing off with a "Happy to hear from you". He smiled, satisfied that the letter came out well, and began packaging it as he normally does, decorating the letter with little symbols drawn in water, allowing it to dry to form the desired pattern, when he suddenly hears a voice.

"What the...?"

Umi draws an arrow quickly from his quiver, pointing it in the direction of the voice.

The owner of the voice, the Pyroslinger Bracer from earlier, raises his hands into the air, proving his current lack of a weapon among other things.

"What are you doing here?" Umi asks the Bracer, his voice low and menacing.

The Bracer struggles to form his thoughts and Umi sighs.

"Let me rephrase that," He says, "Give me a reason why I shouldn't turn you in to the resistance this instant."

This seems to work, as the Bracer begins to speak, "I got a gut feeling, really...It's kind of hard to explain but...I think you're my pen pal..." He fidgets awkwardly.

Umi tilts his head to the side in confusion. "Your pen pal?"

"Yeah," the Bracer clarified, "The one behind the name 'Bubbles' if I'm not mistaken."

Umi's eyes widen, but before he can form words to speak, the Bracer clears his throat.

"Anyway, assuming that's a confirmation...let's uh...introduce ourselves properly." He extended his hand to Umi. "I'm Zakhar," he said, "The one behind the name 'Plyat'. Nice to meet you...albeit in not the best circumstances."

Umi hesitates, then brings his own hand to meet Zakhar's in a firm handshake. "Umi."

Umi then puts his arrow back in the quiver and sits on the ground, looking at Zakhar expectantly. Zakhar, after some hesitation, follows suit and sits across from him.

Umi finds himself staring at the Pyroslinger bracer, wondering how he looks under the mask...after all, he can only see one reddish eye underneath. Perhaps he's even overheating under the furry coat and wintry boots. He thinks a bit more about it.

"Are you alright?" Zakhar pipes up, noticing the prolonged silence.

"Oh! Yeah, I'm just thinking," Umi responds, perking up a little, and trying to figure out what he felt was off. There's another pause before Umi begins speaking again. "So...uh...ah!" He exclaims, figuring out what he was feeling, "You've been in Inazuma this whole time, haven't you?"

"Ah, you've got me there," Zakhar replies with a small chuckle, "Yes, I was sent out here quite some time ago now..." 

Umi pouts a little. " lied to me."

Zakhar panics a little. "Ah, don't get the wrong idea, my friend!" He suddenly bursts, yet still trying to keep his voice down somewhat, "I had to, for safety and secrecy reasons..." He trails off, appearing to be thinking about something.

Umi looks at him once more, his big grey eyes assessing once more the Fatuus soldier he now knows as friend rather than foe; when Zakhar suddenly stands up.

"Agh! I've stayed too squad's bound to be wondering where I went off to..." Zakhar rambles, half to himself at first, "Er- I'll visit you soon, I promise! Until next time!" 

Before Umi can get out another word, Zakhar dashes out of the cave and toward the Fatui camp he was staying in. He takes a moment, then sighs and sits back down. After all, what more can be done when your pen pal is part of the Fatui...?

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