spiked delight :')

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"AHHH, whaaa.. t-tissss.. thaaa?" Jennie slurred her words through the sloppy kisses, being overwhelmed that something icy cold was poking and itching to get inside her. She was confused, but didn't want to end the adventure before finding out where this was headed first.

"Just relax, Pudding. Let Mommy take care of you." Jisoo moved her lips down her girlfriend's pale neck, which was basically asking to be marked and claimed. She nibbled and licked away while the bean shifted into a thinner state as it began entering the puckered hole.

The pink-haired fairy let out quiet moans as she experienced the cold new sensation. Jisoo sat up to fully dispose of her robe and rearranged her lover's cock so she could rub her pussy lips against it. She arched her back as she grazed the appendage slowly, making sure the head felt the tip of her clit all the way down to below her heat. She kept repeating this action, and in return, the erection was being coated over and over with her heavy wetness.

Jennie began to shiver slightly, her pleasure increasing from the added sensation against her whole shaft. Both of the areas of her nether regions were the center of attention and she wasn't even allowed to fight back because of how tightly she was being restrained. All she could do, was let tears pour out of her eyes as the bean's longer thinner state, dug deeper into her anal canal.

It was obvious that the object inside her was at least four inches deep by now, and that's when Jisoo snapped her fingers and made the bean change shape again. Jennie instantly could tell what new body the bean had shaped itself into: a very popular mushroom named Spiked Delight.

One could say it's named after its unique shape, but it was also because of other reasons. The 'Spiked' part came from the not-so sharp points connected together on the top of the shroom, and the top wasn't spread out flat like a plate either, the way most of them were known to be grown. This specific fungi plant had a stem as long as seven inches long, but only the bottom two inches could be seen because the rest was covered by the lowered spiky top. The best way to describe a visual of it would be comparing it to a smaller closed umbrella, except the bottom of the stem wasn't curved like a handle.

They were so popular, that they'd become a bit rare throughout their fairy colony. The 'Delight' part came from its many types of uses like: being mushed into a strong medicine to help with relieving pain, it could give drug-like hallucinations for the party type crowd if baked the correct way, or for the sex-crazed fay it was used as a dildo because of its peculiar form. The responsible fairy would use its magic to create an organic lube potion to coat its entirety in it before inserting it in whoever's hole.

Thanks to her sex-crazed friends, who did everything in their power to find an alternative source for the fungi, Jisoo kept within her circles, she'd heard of the new trick everyone was trying out with the Magic Ice Bean, about using magic to shift it into the Spiked Delight mushroom. Because of the fact that her strap was usually thicker than the skinny plant is known to be, she used her magic to thicken it up a bit, knowing that her girlfriend was used to the girth.

Once she snapped her fingers again and the bean transformed into a penis-thickened shape, with the outside of it coated in the not-so sharp spikes of the mushroom it was modeled after, a piercing yelp left Jennie's trembling lips.

"MOMMY!! IT'S SO COLD AND THICK!! AHH-" She would've continued her high-pitched yelling if she hadn't been cut off.

"Shhh, my sweet baby!! This is all for your pleasure, trust Mommy." Jisoo calmed the other fairy by occupying her mouth with her free fingers, but continued rubbing her wet pussy lips on her baby's aching cock.

Jennie nibbled and sucked desperately at her dom's dainty nibble fingers like she would on a pacifier, trying to not focus on how much her ass was hurting from the sudden thick intrusion. If she hadn't known any better, she'd think Jisoo had stuck a block of ice in her butthole. She pulled her focus away from the pain and more on evening her breathing.

Jensoo Smuts n Lemons lol~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora