°* In the wind *°- Prologue -

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(This idea comes from AO3 but there are only 4 fics that are about Dream in the Genshin lore so I decide to write about it. It gonna be bad as it is my first fanfic but mehhhh we all need to start somewhere.)


Dream in Teyvat,

- Dream comes from the timeline after his prison break and he's still around Techno's base

- The world of Teyvat before the Traveler interfered with it

- - - - - - - - - - - -

He was free

The mastermind,

The puppeteer,

The villain, from everybody's stories, was free from his life sentence from Pandora's Vault.

Thanks to his past partner in crime's help, he could roam free.

Free as a 'war crime' type of criminal could be.

Dream was walking, no limping away from Techno's and Philza's houses. After all, they only helped him escape because of the anarchist's dept. However now...

Now he's left alone in the snow without any weapon, nor armour- Techno toke it back -with several severe wounds.

Nah fuck it, he isn't surviving the night, especially if any mob were to spawn. He knows he can't put his server in 'peaceful', the reason is simple: he does not have the energy to do it. He isn't weak but magic exhaustion doesn't spear anyone. Still, he convinces himself that he does not want his people to know he is the admin. In truth, he doesn't give a fuck about it. Not anymore...

He can't die, not until he found a bed. His last spawn point is in his cell. If he succumbs after all of this... no, he won't be stuck in an infinite loop of torture and respawn ever and ever again. He will never go back, even if it means giving up the secret of resurrection.

Not again

Not again...

Never again

-Umfhhh!! Dream dumped in a root and face plan in the small layer of snow. His breathing is fast and his heart is pounding in his chest. He must have been running, he still feels his muscle throb with effort. Like a newbie, he speeded up when his mind started to cloud out, he needed concentration right now. Dream knee push-up himself up and sat on the ground, closes the distance between a tree- the one that make him fall -and put his back against it. To fight the cold of the tundra biome he is currently in, he helps his legs with his hands to push them up and put them against his torso. Now in a somehow fetal position, he grabs his shirt- can shreds of clothes that barely hang together be called shirt?? -and tries to fit his legs in.

Surprisingly it worked out, ok he might be exaggerating it a bit but with his malnourished body mixed with the visits in the prison you can't blame him for the lose of his past muscle. Right now, he looks like a skeleton with a human skin costume. His cheeks lost their fat and are now all against his facial bone. His hands and feet are all bruised over and the bone is way too easy to see. He doesn't look better for the rest of the body either. Minus his frail body, multiple cuts and patches of missing skin healed by a respawn, some are not closed and are still bleeding all over the snow. His injuries are so severe that upon inspection, the post-prisoner did miracles with shear determination. Dream shouldn't be alive at all, but he doesn't care about that, he has freedom and no one from the SMP will ever capture him again. He will not be ambushed by them for a second time.

However, even the Admin of the great DreamSMP has limits. His breathing is irregular and more difficult with the passing seconds. He could see the black spots multiplying before his visions. He knows that he shouldn't sleep and he keeps trying his best to not fall into slumber. Dream knows that the second he falls asleep; he would not wake up in the forest. But even with all the conviction in the world, no one can win against that feeling and he was at a disadvantage, he didn't have a good sleep since he entered prison-obsidian is not a good pillow. The past prisoner could feel his grip on reality slip. He knows the end is near and in his half-conscious state, he didn't hear the fast crouching of the snow around his now unconscious body.


°* Author' note *°

* Edited now bye suckers

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