I was waiting for him to say something as he just stared at me.

Why is he staring does he have a probl-, I was interrupted when he blurted out,

"Get out of my seat," how did I forget. I scrambled out of the desk and was ready to find another seat. Damn it maybe I didn't have confidence to stand up for myself like I did in the parking lot.

Just as I was about to walk away he said something.

"Hey, I don't like being called a pig by the way," he said with an amused look " especially from pretty ones like you,"

I felt butterflies crawling in the pit of my stomach. I ignored him knowing he was only trying to get into my pants as he did to many girls.

"Hey I didn't catch your name, " he said as I had my back face to him. I turned around about to tell him to leave me alone as the teacher walked into the classroom.

My eyes searched around for a spear desk only finding one next to Tyler. I felt my face turn to desperation as I looked around trying to find another one.

Mrs Owen gazed at me then at the desk. I suddenly plopped my self next to him only to see his bag purposely put there. As if he had somehow reserved it for me.

The whole period was him blabbering off at the teacher about how he couldn't to his homework because he had football practice and blah blah so many excuses. But of coarse Tyler always had the teacher in his grasp. The whole period also consisted of him poking me with his pen and continuously annoying me trying to get my attention, with questions like. ' are you new here', 'you, me, janitors closet', 'I have never seen you before','I'm hot, your hot, lets make hot babies'.

I was obviously annoyed but then when the teacher said that we had to pair up with the person sitting next to us for a project about George Washington my heart sunk as I saw the smirk travel over his face.

"So I guess we have to go to each other's houses," he said implying in other things that disgusted me.

I gave him a sigh, which was actually better than me having a panic attack in the class. How can I work with him, when the idiot had never noticed me in his class. But considering that it's only been a couple of weeks of school and I haven't been here for a week out of two, I can see why he's never noticed me.

I gazed at my watch noticing that there was only about a minute to go. I waited after class wanting to talk to the teacher.

"Hey Mrs Owens, um I know how you always say that you have to work as a team" I said looking desperate ," no matter who you work with" I said, giving my statement a slow and steady impression.

"Yes Lucy but i don't know where your going with this?" She said giving me a worrying look.

"Look, Mrs Owens in all kindness and respect can I please swap my assignment partner as my grades have been really good and I just don't want," I said clearing my throat," I guess I don't want anything getting in the way of my future as its senior year,"

I waited patiently for her response, she suddenly responding with an enthusiastic look.

"And Lucy that is why you are the top In the class," oh no I don't like where she's going with things, " because you can work with anyone, Lucy I know you may have difficulties with this, but that's why I know your a great student".

I quickly saw a smile gesture on her face as i walked out of class thanking her.

But just as I was about to run to my next class as I was probably 5 minutes late I felt my self being pushed up against the lockers, along with a set of firm hands placed on my shoulders.

And I bet you guessed, it was Tyler.

I watched his staggering look send fireballs into my eyes.

He came closer to my face as I felt the tension in his hands loosen up. He scanned my lips as I watched his eyes dangle from my lips to the overall structure of my face.

He inched closer making me feel tiny in this little area he had cramped me in.

I felt his lips brush against my cheek as he whispered something in my ear.

"I'll be seeing you around, partner" he said, the last word with emphasis and sarcasm.

He walked off grinning and laughing at the same time.

I let out a gasp of air that was held up inside from his little scene of scaring me.

I watched him leave down the corridors.

Oh my God, I hate English.

Tyler's POV, (to the part where he pushed her against the locker.)

I waited outside of the class for her.

I knew she was going to ask the teacher if she could swap partners. Which I actually felt quite disheartened about.

Just as I was thinking about what the teacher was going to say.

I got up from my leaning stance on the locker, as I watched her come out of the class with an sad expression.

Ha she probably has to do it with me.

It was my time to attack. I placed both of my hands on her shoulders pushing her back onto the lockers catching her by surprise.

She looked scared for a second, but when she saw it was me, it turned from scared to confused.

I loosened my grip hoping that I didn't hurt her to much.

But as I was just about to spit something else, I scanned her face. I never noticed how beautiful she was.

Her eyes were green with hints of blue, her skin was olive and her hair was a nice dark brown with a couple of blonde streaks.

I also noticed she didn't have any makeup on, which was surprising because every girl I made out with or had sex with caked on a shit load of makeup.

And let me tell you she was way hotter than any other girl I came across, even without makeup.

I just can't believe I had never seen her before. Yeah maybe I did see her like once this week of school, but I never took any notice to her.

I glanced at her features and man she was hot. I watched her lips tremble.

I was use to pushing girls against lockers, but this was the first time doing so without kissing a girl.

I felt an urge to kiss her against my lips.

I was taken back when I told myself that she's just some random chick.

I purposely brushed my lips against her cheek and I whispered in her ear,

"I'll be seeing to around , partner," I said the last word with more of an attitude compared to the others.

I really felt like kissing her, she just seemed different, but a good different.

I wondered off hearing her let out a breath of fresh air.

Ha she's intimidated by me, I starting laughing as I walked around the corner to my next class.

I honestly can't wait to be her partner.

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