Introduction: YAMAGUCHI

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Yamaguchi Tadashi, a first year at Karasuno high

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Yamaguchi Tadashi, a first year at Karasuno high...

He only had his one friend since childhood, Tsukishima Kei, but he sometimes doesn't feel like it, as to how the boy behaves or treats him some of the times...

He always made snarky remarks to anything Yamaguchi did or said, and he always tells him to shut up.

But, he couldn't say that he was all bad...

He had his good traits as well... making sure his friend always ate checking up on him regularly or twice a week the least, hanging out during their free time, listen to his rants about different people, and many more...

He was a good person over all but he doesn't show it much, and Yamaguchi is grateful for him to stick around through the past few years.

He couldn't have asked for a better friend ...

A/n: hellooooooooo I'm bored and I thought of this random ship of haikyuu that I thought would be soooooo cuteeeeeeeee so I decided to write the idea down and don't worry I'll be updating the other book soon too !!!!!!


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