About Time

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Penelope rested her head perfectly on Colin's chest, twirling his dark curls between her fingers and humming in delight.


"Yes, Colin?"

"I should speak with your mother." She sat up, naive and clueless about his intentions.


"Yes." He stated rather matter-of-factly, reaching for his shirt.

"About what?" She asked, reclothing herself as well. After the moment they just shared, what could he possibly need to speak to her mother about that was so pertinent?

Colin grabbed her hand as if it were a piece of fine china, contrary to his tone of voice and demeanor. "For God's sake, Penelope! Are you going to marry me or not?!"

Squealing in shock, Penelope slipped from his grasp and fell straight off the desk and onto the floor.

"Penelope! Are you alright?!"

"No need to worry, Colin. I am alright. Just a bit surprised, is all."


"Well, you have to admit, Colin. It is a bit sudden."

"I hardly think things are moving too quickly when I have known you for so long. I feel we have much to make up for. In fact, I would say it's about time. And I hope you do not think I do what we just did with any woman..."

"That's not what I meant. I just..."

"What did you mean then, Pen?"

"Colin, I didn't picture it this way."

"Nor did I." He chuckled.

"Colin, before you propose to me, I need to tell you something."

"You think it was a mistake?" Fear filled his eyes again. He could not lose his Penelope, not when he finally had her.

"No, I could never say that! It was wonderful. You are wonderful. I just-" She glanced down at herself, suddenly aware of how naked she was. "Could we finish dressing before we finish this discussion?"

Penelope composed herself and sat across from Colin, taking his hands in hers.

"Colin, I'm not sure how to tell you this. I wasn't sure I ever would, so I'll just come out with it. I am Lady Whistledown." Colin stared at his hands, not saying a word for several seconds. "Colin, did you hear me?"

"Of course, I heard you, Pen. How could you be so reckless? So careless?!"

"What?" That certainly wasn't the reaction she expected. She did not know what she expected, though.

"The scandal, Pen. The people you have angered and the lives you have ruined, if they found you out...it's much too dangerous."

"I would hardly say I've ruined lives with this, Colin. I don't create gossip. I report the truth."

"That's not how they will see it."

"I know." She hung her head, placing his hands back in his lap.

"Why would you do something like this?"

"You wouldn't understand, Colin. You have the freedom to travel. To be with any woman you please and not face the wrath of the Ton or the pressure to marry. You have the freedom to be whomever you wish because you are a man. I am invisible. I stay on the outskirts where I belong because I am not afforded such freedoms. I must stay silent and in my box. Lady Whistledown is the one thing I have that liberates me from those chains."

"I understand, Pen. And I could never take that from you. But if someone were to find you out..."

"Then I would handle it, Colin."

"You cannot handle everything yourself, Pen! You are not invincible!" She stood her ground, pretending not to be startled by the thunder of his voice as he towered over her. "Pen, I-I can't lose you again. Not when I just got you. Please say you will marry me."

"You...still wish to marry me?"

"I love you, Penelope Featherington. I love all of you."

"Oh, Colin!" She leaped into his arms, tugging at the tuffs of his hair to lower him into a sweet, enveloping kiss.

Many guests of the ceremony were surprised, and some a little annoyed at the drama of it all, but everyone knew in their hearts that this was right. A wedding still occurred between Penelope and a Bridgerton that day. Colin and Penelope, in front of their family and friends, became one and began the journey of their lives together. The one sentence on everyone's mind was, 'it's about time.'

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