Little Blitzø Ch. 2

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"You're welcome, why on earth are you running anyway?" The bird demon asked as he put him down

"It gets me places faster." Blitzø said as he ran off

"Germ-infested little plebeian." The bird demon muttered as he walked away

"Watch it, pal." Blitzø glared

A few minutes after Blitzø left the apartment, Loona had come back from a party with a hangover.

"Oh god, my head." Loona groaned as she entered her room & laid down on her bed

"See Loona, this is what happens when you party too hard." Blitzø said

"Hello, anyone home?" Moxxie called out as he & Millie entered the apartment

"Blitzø? Loona?" Millie called out as they looked inside Loona's room

"Loona, what happened to you?" Moxxie said

"I partied too hard last night." Loona groaned

"Oh, I see, is Blitzø here?" Moxxie asked

"The fuck should I know, I just got here." Loona said

"Alright, you stay right here, I'm gonna make you some tea." Millie said

Moxxie checked Blitzø's bedroom & saw that no one was in there, so he thought he might be at work. After Millie made Loona some tea, she & Moxxie went to the company.

"Blitzø, are you in there?" Moxxie said as he knocked on the door & entered the room

"Looks like he's not here either." Millie said

"Strange, where can he be?" Moxxie said as he pulled out his cellphone & called Stolas

"Hello?" Stolas said

"Stolas, this is Moxxie, is Blitzø with you?" Moxxie asked

This got Lucifer & Lilith's attention, is Stolas somehow acquainted with IMP

"No, I'm afraid not, I haven't seen him since last night." Stolas said "Why do you ask?"

"We can't find Blitzø, he's not at home & he's not at work." Moxxie said

"Oh dear, that's very troubling." Stolas said "I found my grimoire on the side table of my bed this morning, I thought I had given it to Blitzø."

"Well, can you send the book to us & maybe help us find him?" Moxxie said

"Wait a minute, Stolas, have you been giving IMP your grimoire to gain access to the living world?" Lucifer said incredulously

"Um..." Stolas said nervously

"Is there a reason why you're giving them your grimoire?" Lilith asked

"Well...I...uh." Stolas said

"He's been giving the book to them in exchange for sex with Blitzo." Wally said

"WHAT!?" Everyone except Asmodeus, Fizzarolli, Verosika, her gang, Vortex, Stella, Octavia, Alastor, Striker, Loona, Moxxie, Millie, & Blitzø exclaimed in shock

"Wally!" Blitzø & Stolas shouted

"What?" Wally shrugged

"So you've been repeatedly trading your grimoire for sex with an imp?" Lucifer narrowed his eyes

"Lucifer, it's not about the sex, it's about..." Stolas said before looking away "Something else."

"Something else?" Lucifer raised an eyebrow

"...Yes." Stolas said

"..." Lucifer stared before looking back at the screen

"I'm sorry, Moxxie, I'm afraid I can't." Stolas said regrettably

"Why not?" Moxxie said

"Unfortunately, I have troubles of my own, regarding the incident at Ozzie's last night, people are beginning to question me & Blitzø's relationship. So, I can't give you the book or make contact with Blitzø until things settle down." Stolas said "Besides I need my book for an event I have to attend with my family in the Ring of Sloth."

"Oh, how long do you think it will be until things settle down?" Moxxie asked

"I'm not sure, it could be like a month or so, Stella basically demanded it & I had no choice." Stolas said "I'm sorry."

"Alright Stolas, I understand." Moxxie said

"Ok, tell Blitzø I'm sorry as well, let's hope that he's alright." Stolas said as he hung up

"Honey, where can he be?" Millie said worriedly

"I don't know, but I hope nothing bad happened to him." Moxxie said hopefully "Let's go home."

Meanwhile Blitzø arrived at the area his house was located, when he got there he became shocked

"My home." Blitzø said softly

Blitzø saw that his house had a few windows cracked along with a couple of broken ones & had some vines growing around it. Blitzø entered the house & saw that the inside was very dusty & had a few cobwebs on the corners of the ceiling

Blitzø stared at the house in silence as he had a remembered his childhood home

"Mommy? Daddy? Barbie?" Blitzø called out as he looked around

Just then, he stepped on something, he looked down & saw a picture frame. After picking it up & wiping the dust off the frame, it revealed to be a picture of him with his family.

"Is that your family, Sir?" Moxxie asked

"...That's my family." Blitzø said

"I don't understand, where could they be?" Blitzø said

"Knock Knock"

"Huh?" Blitzø said "Could that be them?"

Blitzø opened the door, but he didn't see anyone until he looked down & saw some sort of backpack with a piece of paper taped to it.

"What's this?" Blitzø said as he picked up the paper which revealed a note

Dear Blitzø, I know you must have a lot of questions & do not know what's going on. But do not worry, you will be able find answers when you travel through all of Hell. This travel pack in front of you, has everything you need; food, clothes, money, an unlimited Elevator 666 Pass, etcetera. Be safe throughout your journey & may your adventures guide you to greatness. Sincerely Mr. G.

"Oh boy, I always wanted to go off on my own journey." Blitzø said excitedly

"He's quite adventurous, isn't he?" Mayberry smiled

Blitzø changed his clothes into a black shirt with a flaming horse demon on the center, blue jeans, & black sneakers with flame patterns on it. When he arrived at Elevator 666, he was thinking about where to go first.

"Hm, now which Ring should go first?" Blitzø said in a thoughtful gesture "Oh, I know, I can go to Wrath."

"Oh crumbs, don't go to Wrath." Moxxie panicked

"Guess my counterpart is gonna get a chance to meet the little fella." Striker said "I'm dying to see how that goes."

"Hey Morph, what's the event in the Ring of Sloth Stolas was talking about?" Vox asked

"You'll find out later." Morph said

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