As you walk up to the house you notice a shadow inside. The closer it got you shaded your eyes from the sun to see it was Clint.

"Clint! What's going on?" You rush up the steps and wrap your arms around his waist.

"Well I figured if we were going to start a family, it would be best to be as far away from Stark as we could." He kisses the top of your head.

"I heard that!" Tony's voice was echoing from inside the house.

Tony, Steve, Bucky and Sam all walked out the front door looking like they had been sparring. All four of them plus Clint were drowning in sweat and looked exhausted.

"Again, what is going on guys?" You pull back from Clint looking around. Clint looks down at you with a cheesy smile.

"So these boys have been working hard all week getting this place set up for you two." Nat steps over next to you taking your right hand pulling you into the house. "We wanted to surprise you with it. What do you think?" She spins you around to take in the room.

Your right hand covers your mouth in awe, " I love it!"

The whole house was completely done up the way you would have done it. Down to the smallest thing. You stop spinning and your eyes land on the guys still standing out on the porch. They were all making jabs at each other but mostly at Clint. He was blushing clearly through the hand covering his face.

You walk over to them and grab his hand. "So, the big elephant here, why are you guys moving us way out here? Clearly it's better than being under Tony's surveillance, but is there something I don't know?"

The five of them exchange looks and look down at you.

"Your father, well he's gone. He had some way of taking his own life and he left a note behind that we found in his cell earlier this week." Steve had spoke up seeing as none of the others were willing to tell you.

"Wait what?" You turn to Steve confused.

"I'm sorry Y/N." Steve looks down at the floor shaking his head.

"Hey, don't be sad, he was a monster! What did the note say?" Looking from face to face the five of them all had sullen looks.

Clint digs into his pocket and pulls out a folded piece of paper. He hands it over to you. You grab the paper but just look at it, feelings of anger, rage, fear and sadness flooding your brain. You wanted to know, but at the same time you didn't. Shoving the paper into your pocket you wrap your arms around Clint's waist and grip onto him tight.

"Thank you guys, for all of this. It means the world to me." You turn to Clint and reach up to kiss him on the cheek.

"Well, let's leave them to it. I'm sure they want to christen the place." Tony turns and pulls down his glasses giving you and Clint a wink.

"I'm sure they have better things to do than that Tony." Steve walks off after him.

Sam walks over to you and Clint giving you two a big hug. "Congrats guys." He takes off running down the stairs clearly trying to form a barrier between the insults flying back and forth between Steve and Tony.

Natasha walks out onto the porch pulling Clint off to the side whispering something to him. You turn your head back toward Bucky who hadn't moved from the doorway with this entire thing going on. Walking over to him you pull him into a hug, placing your head on his chest. You could hear him chuckle lightly, vibrating through his chest.

"You need to smile more." Playfully you punch him in the gut.

"Mmmhmm." You could tell there was something going on, but he wasn't being forthcoming.

Pulling back and looking him in the eye he takes your right hand and kisses the back of it. Then he kisses your forehead before brushing past you walking after the others.

"What was that about?" Clint steps up next you wrapping his arm around your waist.

"I have no idea. He's always been so cryptic, you know that." Turning to him you pull him in for a kiss before you hear Natasha clear her throat.

"Do I get a goodbye?" She was standing there with her hands on her hips.

You rush over to her and dive bomb into her arms. "You're the best Nat, I could never be able to repay you for any of this."

"Hey! She just snuck you out of the compound, us guys did all the heavy lifting." Clint walks over and wraps his arms around you from behind, pulling your body into his.

"I'll call you later about that thing." Natasha looks over your shoulder making a weird look at Clint. "You two enjoy!" She hops off the porch jogging after the group.

"Now it's my turn to ask, what was that about?" He was kissing down your neck making slight little moans leaving goose bumps all over your skin.

"Just work stuff." He spins you around and pulls you into him as he starts swaying side to side.

You place your head on his chest as he starts to hum a sweet song. The two of you were lost in this moment in time as he softly started singing your song to you. You pulled back and kissed him softly on the lips, cutting off his singing. He smiles into the kiss then spins you out and back in. The two of you continue to dance as he sings to you while the sun sets over the rolling hills around you. This was the definition of perfect.

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