Green Lantern's Light!

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Atrocitus tore through legions of Green Lanterns, many of them just trying to escape the bloodshed. A straight, red path was created from the shard to Oa. Hal followed close behind him, but in every path he took a Red Lantern would attack. Eventually Atrocitus would manage to distance himself from Hal.

As numbers of Red's pushed him back, Hal created a green bullet train and just zoomed right through them. One of the Red's created a massive hammer and smashed it down on Hal, breaking his construct. Again more Red Lanterns would charge Hal, but he would be saved by Green's.

Random Green Lantern:
Hal go!

Hal nodded at them, then flew to Atrocitus with great speed.

Back to Atrocitus, he had already reached the Guardians temple. He was met in battle with a number of Green Lanterns sent to protect the Guardians. Atrocitus burned all of them, leaving nothing but ash and dust. He melted the door and walked in, wasting every other Green Lantern in his way. He reached the Guardian's meeting room, but found no one there. In a fit of rage, Atrocitus destroyed the place hoping to find some kind of a secret room.

He found nothing.

Atrocitus then flew up, leaving a hole in the roof. His ring began to glow like crazy. He was powering it, getting ready to fire a massive blast that would've leveled the building and everything around it.

That's when Hal tackled Atrocitus, throwing him far away from the building. Atrocitus steadied himself. He and Hal stared each other down, rage and annoyance in his mind. As for Hal, he was ready for the fight. They charged at each other, creating a massive green and red shockwave made up of pure energy. They were both sent spiraling out of control, away from each other, leaving holes and damages everywhere they crashed.

Once Hal stopped, he looked over his ring's power. With only 50% left, Hal had to control his power and use it to take Atrocitus back up into the sky. He confronted Atrocitus once more and started pushing and leading him up. But that all ended when Hal found himself underneath Atrocitus. Atrocitus fired a beam at Hal, making him plummet straight down. Half conscious and in pain, he tried to pull himself up. That's when Atrocitus landed on him.

I am deeply disappointed in you, Hal Jordan. You chose this over your family (he said motioning to the now devastated section of Oa). I just want you to know (Atrocitus leans in closer to Hal) I'm going to slaughter everyone here. And when I'm done with Oa... I'm coming for Earth. You will watch your world's burn and the people you love die! And when it's all over... that's when I'll grant you the sweet release of death.

Atrocitus smashed Hal into the ground, burying him in the dirt. When it was over he flew away from him, searching for the Guardians.

Hal's ring:
Battery at 20%...

Knowing he couldn't use his ring, Hal clawed his way out; or at least... he tried. Hal cried out for help as more dirt fell on top of him. No one heard him over the sound of the war above. He kicked and screamed, hoping that eventually it would lead to his escape.

It didn't...

Moments before giving up, Hal envisioned Billy and Jim in his head. They were cheering him on, telling him to keep going. Then he remembered Carol. Hal couldn't bear the thought of knowing that if he failed here, he would fail there. This was the boost Hal needed to keep digging, his motivation to keep going. Even after his gloves tore off and his hands started to bleed, Hal kept going. Eventually, he was free. He yelled in victory, then searched around for Atrocitus.

No longer being able to find the Guardians, Atrocitus set his sights on destroying the main power corp, since that was the Green Lanterns main source of energy. Surprisingly this was also where the Guardians were. They weren't hiding there, they were protecting the core.

Earth 824's Green Lantern Hal JordanWhere stories live. Discover now