chapter 1

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* † Yuuichi's pov † *

"That's enough, Sawaragi-san. Shibe didn't mean any harm. He's just the type to say those kind of things." said Tenji with Ivy and Yutori by his side from behind me.

"Mikasa-kun, Yutori, and Ivy-chan." said Shiho-chan seeing them, "The important thing is Yuuichi can join us in the school trip. Anything else you want to say, Kokorogi-san, Rosewood-san ?" he asked them.

"...No./Nop !" they replied, Yutori more shyly and Ivy happily, "Yep, that's right !" exclaimed Shibe-kun, "Then once again..." was about to begin Shiho-chan.

"Thank goodness, Yuuichi !"

Shibe Makoto. Class president who's good at sports and comes from a rich family. That makes him sound perfect but... He's actually an airhead and can be very inconsiderate, so he's surprisingly unpopular with girls... All in all, he's someone you can't hate.

"I didn't worry at all, but yeah, I'm glad you can come."

Sawaragi Shiho. Our class vice-president, but people also say she's the 'real' class president. Her father's a police officer and she had a strict upbringing, so she hates things that aren't right and is a tough fighter. In many ways, she's very dependable.

"I can't wait for the trip."

Mikasa Tenji. A genius at the top of his class. He isn't just good at studying, he also has top-level communication skills. He might look unfriendly, but I've never met anyone, including teachers, who would ever bad-mouth him. He acts as our mediator too.

"G-good job, Yuuichi..."

Kokorogi Yutori. Nice girl who doesn't speak up much. I think she likes anime and stuff. She was bullied during first year, but now that she's in the same class as Sawaragi, there's no way the bullying could continue... We became friends through Sawaragi.

"I knew you could do it !"

Ivy Rosewood. A beautiful and smart girl that came from France in our first year. She's rumored to come from a family of mafia or something, and that she's a remarkable opponent in any martial art. She also help a lots of students when in difficulties. She's a friend you can count on.

"Thanks guys." I thanked them.

We're friends. Now... And Forever... That's what I thought...

Until that happened.

* † Ivy's pov † *

"Class it's hard for us to say it, but this is an important matter for all of you. Yesterday, the collected school trip fees of the class totalling twenty million yen...

Was stolen.

It seems that the culprit is someone from the class. If you have a hunch, say it. You can tell me who it is at the faculty room." announced the teacher.

"I'm very sorry, everyone ! I am liable for all of this !" apologized Shiho-chan bowing her head with Shibe-kun.

"It was my duty to hand over the money to the teacher. It would've been okay if I gave him the money right away. But due to some circumstances, I left it in my locker for a short period of time. I locked it, and I only left it for a few minutes ...but the money was gone." she explained.

"Our fifth period yesterday was self-study, so anybody's free to roam around the classroom... Please... If the culprit is here, show yourself... If that's not possible, all responsibilities will fall to me !" she pleaded crying.

'Wow, so her plan is to guilty trip them with her tears. It won't work.' I thought as I hid my smirk.

"D-don't, Sawaragi... It's hard for a student to account for such a huge sum... No, I know for a fact that it is impossible." the teacher said to her worriedly.

"Today, after class, I'll be waiting here at the classroom. I'll... Stay and wait." said Shiho-chan.

The next day she didn't show up, and the day after Shibe-kun didn't show up as well. There reason was that they were sick but it surely was the pressure being to high.

The next day, they were absent again and a rumor spread around the class.

"Don't you think Shiwaragi and Shibe stole the money ?"

"Seems fishy that they've been absent after that incident. Maybe those 'tears' were part of the act..."

"Eeh ? We can't forgive them if that's true !"

"Could you tell me more about that ?" asked Mikasa-kun to the chatting students.

I didn't continue to listen as I had put on my headphones on and rested my head in my arms.

"..vy. I.. vy... Ivy !"

"Oui ?!" I replied looking up quickly.

My three friends chuckled at me and Yutori reached her hand to my lips and wiped some saliva.

"You didn't have to wipe it away, Yutori-chan. Now your hand's dirty." I said with a pout and she blushed, "It's okay, I don't mind." she said.

"So, why did you guys woke me up ?" I asked, "Right, it was to tell you that we were going to go visit this weekend Shibe and Sawaragi and ask if you want to come too. " replied Yuuichi-kun and I nodded.

"I'll come, after all, it's worrying me to not see them for some time." I said and then bell rang.


"You're late, Yuuichi." said Shiho-chan to Yuuichi who was panting.

"Eh... guys ? Why is everyone here ?" he asked, "Huh ? Did you actually say that !?" questioned Shibe-kun confusing him.

"W-well, that's okay. So, what's the important thing you wanna tell me, Sawaragi ?" asked Yuuichi to Shiho-chan making me narrow my eyes, "Eh ?? What are you saying ? Aren't you the one with the important thing to say ?" she asked back but he didn't reply.

"This letter... was sent to our houses by you. It says you have 'an important thing to say'." she explained showing him her letter.

"At first I thought, 'A letter ? At this day and age ?', but this came from Yuuichi, a guy who doesn't have a cellphone. I was surprised ! I though you were gonna confess to me !" she huffed, blushing while looking away.

"Yuuichi, behind you !!!"

Then someone suddenly electrocuted him.

"Yuuichi !?"

I kicked the guy that tried to attack me and pulled out my knife hidden in my skirt.

"Wait- No !!"

He tried again to taste me but I slash his arm.

"Who the hell are you people !?"

Another try to take me from behind but I crouch and stab one of his leg before kicking it to make him fall.

"Kyaaa !!!"

"Yutori-chan !" I called as she got tased which distracted me and the two guys were able to disarm me and tased me too.

"Don't ever forget, my little flower. Flower has their language and symbols so does humans. So, like the wild roses, some sentences and words could have different meanings."

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