Male! Osoro x Raibaru Stronger than you

Start from the beginning

Osoro rolled his eyes at Raibaru.

"Hmph. Yeah right. Go on Pipsqueak. If you want a fight, I'll give it to ya. Don't blame me if this is where you die!"

Raibaru began to approach Osoro, when Osana grabbed Raibaru.

"Come on Raibaru! Don't be brave!"

"I think you should listen to your friend, Pipsqueak."

Osoro smirked, enjoying the attitude of this girl, finding it entertaining how much she wants to get revenge.

"....Like heck am I going to let you get your way."

"Wowwww, so scary."

Osoro said, making his voice full of sarcasm. Raibaru growled.

Osana attempted once more to pull Raibaru away.

"Come on Raibaru-"

Raibaru ripped her hands off of Osana's grip and went in a fighting stance. Osoro scoffed and got in a fighting stance as well.

The Martial arts club just so happened to pass by to see...Raibaru about to fight Osoro!

"Omg-Osana! Whats going on?!"

Budo asked Osana, panicking.

"Osoro...Osoro harmed me and Raibaru wants to beat him up now!"

"She's going to get hurt!"

One of the female members yells.

"Man....she's got guts...."

Budo states, almost admirably. One of the male members bang his head.

"Don't admire her right now! She might get really hurt-"

They begin to fight.

Osoro grabbed Raibaru's wrist, in which she then kicked Osoro's leg below the kneecap, forcing him to bend his leg so that Raibaru could get her hand out of his grip. Osoro then attempts to punch Raibaru; in which Raibaru blocks.

Raibaru tries to kick Osoro, in which he grabs her leg and twists it so that she would loose balance and fall, in which she did. Osoro tried to kick her in the face, only to be tripped by Raibaru. Raibaru then stands up quickly as she trips him. She kicks his arm, in which he grabs her leg and pulls her down.

He goes on top of her and punches her face three times before Raibaru grabs his hand and they both begin doing some kind of fist battle, seeing who was stronger. When Raibaru realized Osoro's strength was greater than her own, she flipped them over and did the only thing she could think of...

...She turned him to his back and....

Snapped his arm

Thinking it was just Raibaru holding his arms down at first, Osoro struggled to get out of the condition, but then he felt his bones snap in half. He screamed out in pain, he couldn't move. Couldn't react as Raibaru finished breaking his arm and stepping on his back.

Raibaru was tired and was breathing harshly. But, she had done it. She had defeated the delinquent leader.


The others stood in shock. They heard someone clapping in the distance.

"I knew you could do it, Raibaru."

Raibaru turned to see Megami clapping her hands.

"...You aren't mad I snapped his arm in half?"

"Well, I do mind because now we must rush him to the hospital, but he needed to be taught a lesson, so I thank you Raibaru."

Raibaru seemed shocked but bowed to Megami.

"...Your welcome Megami-Senpai."

Megami gave a satified sigh.

"Well, now, lets rush him to the hospital."

Nine months later

"Please, I don't want to fight!"

"Well maybe you shouldn't have broke our Leaders arm then!"

Dairoku threatened Raibaru as he took out a crowbar. Straight when he was about to hit her-

"Stop it."

Dairoku turned around to see Osoro.

"B-But Boss-"

"I said leave it. I'll get revenge on her myself."

"But you aren't fully recovered-"

"Next year. Leave now."

Dairoku nodded and left. Raibaru looks at Osoro with a thankful smile.

"Thank you-"

"Don't thank me. I'm sure if you could beat me, you could've beaten him."

"...Ok...but still, I thank you anyways!"

Osoro rolled his eyes.


Raibaru was about to leave when Osoro gripped her hand.

"Wait. I have a question."


"I heard you used to be the Martial Arts old club leader and was known as the 'Invincible rival'...why'd you quit? You were so strong and gave up the title so quickly, why?"

"...Well, Budo beat me in a fight and I wasn't that into fighting so I gave him the club-"

"I don't believe you."


"If you could beat me, I doubt Budo could defeat you."

"...Well, I wasn't feeling well that day (my Headcanons), I had a huge stomach ache but that was all."

"....So in other words, he cheated."

"What?! No! Budo didn't cheat! I just wasn't feeling well when he asked to fight me!"

"He was still cheating! You weren't in the best condition, therefore you couldn't fight."

"...Well, still. He broke my 100% win streak anyways, so I gave him the club!"

"...I won't accept that."

"You don't have to."

Raibaru managed to escape Osoro's grip and walk away.

"Whats your name?"


"Whats your name?"

"Raibaru, Raibaru Fumetsu!"

"Osoro Shidesu."

"I already knew that."


Raibaru nods and leaves, Osoro blushes a little bit. He had found someone stronger than him....

'....I can't wait to have a rematch.'

Osoro thought as he smiled, his blush increasing by a little bit.

I tried-

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