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(not proofread)

i. always there

He knew he wasn't enough. Similar to the other dorm leaders, the terrorizing consequences of his Overblot come to gnaw at his heart and pride in the dead of night. It wasn't necessarily the Overblot events themselves, but the way his mind transformed what were nightmares into reminders. He isn't one to dream, he hates the meaning of his dreams because he knew they were everything opposing pleasantness. It was at these crucial times where dreamless sleep evaded him, when he needed it the most.

Leona found himself in his consciousness. The image before him was that of an overgrown dead garden that covered even the night sky. A few flowers that bloomed just recently contrasted the majority of the withered and dried plants. He could sense that this dream would be unorganized, he knows that it isn't reality but he falls into the temptation of exploring.

He gazed at the flowers, they were illuminated by an odd and dusty glow. He follows the traces of their pretty paths that lead him through the thorny walkway. He trods along, never minding the scratches and cuts that begin to form on his arms caused by the thorns pricking and reaching out to him.

That's when the colorful dust from the flowers stops and he is met with a figure at the end. The garden engulfed most of his vision but he can clearly see the light at the end of it. It was dim before but it burned brighter now. He could have kept going, he could still move his legs. He was aware that you were at the end of this infinite abyss that he loathed. He knew he could reach out to you. However, the unbearable weight of uselessness that was a mere feather before had overcome him yet again. So he stopped. How could he drag that light to dull with him? He would be equivalent to that of a villain. Though with the overblot incident and the constant reminders of his family, he was already one.

But you still weren't out of sight in the overwhelming darkness. In his mind, you looked over at Leona, waiting for him. His eye twitched and his mouth creased into a deepening frown. Leona knew that he should never indulge in the bright blue sky with you; he was made for this withered abyss which is why he stopped putting in effort. He had potential, had the intelligence, the charms but the world never wanted to see it. He could never compare to the sun's shine nor did he want to shine along with it anymore.

But now, you became his sun, but in turn that made him the moon. The sun and moon can never fully be together in the sky; the only times they can ever see each other are when they do not need each other.

And yet..and yet. Your shine burned away the dead plants, burned away the thorns that pricked and bullied his mind and heart. So much so that he didn't mind being burned along with them. And so you continue to haunt him in his dreams; he unknowingly hoped and reached for your touch even while you were away.

Not only to burn away the never ending darkness, but to also try to stay in the blue sky with you.

His mind is in disarray when he awakes with a start. He was too late at reaching the light and even with his body and mind awake now, it still felt like the dark appendages were closing in again. He laid still despite the thumping of his heart and the stiffness of his tail that signal him to run. He curses himself, the one time he attends class and it triggers something he has sworn to have gotten over with.

His eyes snapped to the side when he felt a brush against his arm. You weren't the deepest sleeper so you seemed to have sensed a disturbance in the air. Not even opening your eyes, your hand moves on it's own to lay on his clenched bicep. The feeling of your skin on his reminded him that he was not in that state anymore. The warmth seemed to guide him away from the bundle of emotions.

He dreads his mind and his heartstrings for making him so weak at that moment. His eyes blur but he scrunches his face enough to keep them at bay. It was a corny and edgy dream, so why does he feel this way? In his heart he knew he could never be enough for himself, but he can't deny that you made him want to be enough. So, he dwelled on the languishing hope a little longer.

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