Ch. 3 - Moronic Makebates

Start from the beginning

I responded with a hum and a nod as I hobbled over to my desk. I saw Jay sitting there in his seat. But then when he turned to face me, he suddenly smiled as he waved hello to me like a little kid. I gave a lazy wave back as I situated myself in my seat.

After finally getting comfortable, I had nothing else to do so I listened to the group in front of me. They seemed to be talking about someone named Zack and how good of a boxer he is. And with how smug the guy in the black sweater is, I'm gonna assume that's Zack. Boxing, huh? Best stay away from a loser like that then, don't wanna get dragged into his shit. People like him attract trouble, which is the last thing I fucking need.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the group say something about a 'pig's mom'. What pissed me off beyond belief was when a boar-faced bitch said, "Then I'm gonna strip both naked. Haha." The hell... the hell did this bitch say. I could feel my anger rising as I balled my fists up tightly, trying to hold it in. But the bitch continued to speak. "Was she happy after giving birth to him? I would have had an abortion." 

I breathed out deeply after hearing that. My shoulders and head sag as my blood lust starts to leak out. People like that, deserve an ass-whooping. The kind of ass-whooping that'll be making them eat from a straw. No, better yet. They deserve much worse. My fingers twitch as I thought about feeling the fucker's nose crack against my fist. 

However, before I could do anything I would regret, Daniel spoke. "Hey, you guys... you've gone too far." His words seemed to stun everyone, including myself. I took a quiet breath in as I reeled my blood lust back in. Didn't think pretty boys like him could actually stand up for the bullied. Maybe I was too quick to judge...

I was shaken from my thoughts by the sudden sound of a desk flying into a wall. I looked to see the boxer with his leg up, looking stupid in my opinion. The hell's his problem anyway? "You're fucking funny. You know that? Get up you fucking worm."

Damn, he's a boxer? He's more like a screeching cat. The stray cat of a boxer egged pretty boy into getting up out of his seat. Now both of them are standing in the back of the class like some dramatic anime fighting scene. How lame...

The stray got into a fighting position, raising both of his fists in front of his face, a standard boxing stance.

I quickly reached up and lowered the volume on my hearing aids as the crowd outside was becoming too loud. I felt my face morph into a look of distaste under my mask. Damn banshees. The hell do they all need to be so loud for? It's just a stupid fucking fight.

"Hey wuss. I told you to come at me!" I grumbled in annoyance at the stray's voice. He was beginning to piss me off. I was already in a sour mood because of the boar-faced bitch from before. I begin to tap my foot at the thought, not paying attention to the fight happening behind me.

Then I heard scuffling come from next to me. I turned to see Jay suddenly get out of his seat and walk towards Zack. I was surprised to see the quiet tokki boy grab one of the stray's arms, stopping him from punching Daniel. Zack seemed to be surprised by Jay's actions too, but he shook tokki boy off violently. "Let go! You dick!" 

I was instantly irked by the stray's words. What an asshole. Before I could mentally berate Zack, the stray swung a fist at Daniel. I honestly expected pretty boy to get hit, but was surprised again to see that he actually dodged the fist entirely.

I brought my hand up to cover my already-covered mouth, physically holding back the obnoxious snort I wanted to let out at the scene before me. Zack kept throwing punches at Daniel, but the latter just kept dodging them all. The stray seemed to get even more pissed off, so he did a fake-out punch. A move I thought would have ended the fight, but Daniel surprised everyone yet again by catching Zack's fist instead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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