Hello im not living im just existing

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"HAHA I WIN"I screamed at the top of my lungs. Then I heard a rustle in the bushes. As i crept closer towards it, honcho jumped on me and I heard something running away. "HANCHO! "I yelled. "What?"He asked. "Something was in the bushes and i was going to see what it was but you jumped on me and now I'll never see what the noise was!"" Well would a battle make up for it?" YA LETS GO GO GO GO."
Geez he is noisy.
VALTS POV: "its not that bad i mean you did great and tried you best right?" " no you don't understand if I don't do good and get kicked off th-" i put my hand over his mouth " no you will do good and you will stay by my side. Now ! More positive thoughts less negative thoughts!
FREES POV( finally!!):
That blue haired kid is something else I've never seen a deer comfort someone like that, let alone a human maybe this one is different. I will be keeping an eye on you.
VALTS POV: whoa i got chills down my spine " honcho lets go" " lets go"
Warning warning some chapters will be short some will be long it depends on my ideas abd motivation

Deer!free x valtWhere stories live. Discover now