"Do you want to try it?" I smiled pointing the guitar to him

"But I can't play though" he giggled

"But I can teach you~"

"Okay okay, do what you need Mx" we laughed

I sat on his lap holding the guitar. I grabbed his hand and put it on the top of the guitar and his other hand on the guitar's end. I looked at him he was looking away, all red like a strawberry. I giggled

"Don't be nervous Goldie, you'll work this out" I said leaning to him

He was totally done for, he was blushing like crazy with me laughing even more.

"Okay we'll quit messing around~" I put my hands on his and started explaining him basic stuff, like chords.

He was silent all along, I played a simple songs with him just listening curiously.

"Now, try it alone!" I took a piece of paper with a simple song on it "Try this!"

He then took the guitar to his hands, I was still sitting on his lap. It took a little while, but he played the full song on the fifth time.

I clapped him "Bravo! You're a spirit, Hunter"

he leaned to me smiling "And you're a great teacher Y/n" he putted away the guitar and hugged me closing his eyes. "Sorry I wasn't around because of my missions. I will make it up to you."

I blushed a little "I-its okay, I know it's not easy having a job like this" I giggled "But I must say, you really could have at least a good rest someday"

"Pfft I wish, I need to be always prepared for Belos to call me up in the middle of night. Well I didn't know if you heard it, but I'm the new face of the Emperor's coven" he said all proud of it I just laughed

"What's so funny?" He looked me deadly in the eyes

"Nothing, it's just how cute you are" I smiled

"Oh shut up, you're annoying." He pushed me away playfully

"Okay okay, sorry" I laughed and got up, giving my hand to him "Come, let me show you something"

He took my hand and I lead him to a near by cliff above the Boiling sea. I fell on the soft grass bringing Hunter down with me, looking at the stars.

"This is, beautiful.." Hunter said softly

"It sure is, It reminds me of the human realm, my home." I smiled sadly "I remember going always on a hill with my dad to watch stars."

"What even happened that you ended up in here? Sorry if it's too personal or.."

"No, no it's okay. Well uh, I got to a fight with my parents... because they got divorced and... I just couldn't stand it.. So, I packed my stuff and ran away, yeah. I found some old building and when I stepped inside, I got here" I felt my eyes getting watery. I quickly sat up and wiped off my tears. I wasn't sure if he believed me or not but I didn't care.

Hunter then hugged me, he must've noticed I was crying. It was a warm hug, I nuzzled into his grip, calming down. He was patting my back and his head was resting on mine.

"I'm sorry this happened, I know how you feel, even though I didn't met my family. Uncle Belos told me that they were killed by wild magic."

"Wait, he is your UNCLE!?" I said confused looking at him

"He sure is. Actually..." he sighed sat away from me "I'm powerless witch, a lot of my ancestors were. I didn't really thought I had a future in this world, but Belos found me and, gave me staff with artificial magic" he said looking at me

"You're full of surprises Goldie" I laughed

"Well, everyone is" he laughed too

"I could maybe teach you some glyphs if you want? It could be useful to the future" I smiled

"No, I think I'm fine. But thanks, for the offer... I guess we could go back, I think the fire is not firing anymore~" he said smirking at me

"You're bad at jokes, Hunter" I got up and so did he

"But you love it~" he bumped into me with his elbow

"Oh shut up!" We laughed and got down to the forest where our things were

He sat down to the fire, I sat on his lap again. He blushed and rested his hand on my shoulder.

"You like sitting like that or what?" He grumbled

"Pfft not gonna answer that."

He yawned and closed his eyes"You're such an idiot Y/n.." he laughed and slowly fell asleep

I smiled and rubbed his hair. I made another fire glyph for the fire and then I just nuzzled into his chest and fell asleep too.

Another chapter done, I'm sorry for not updating! I didn't really had any time for it but yeah I still hope you enjoyed it!

And I made a playlist on Spotify for this ff so don't mind to check it out!

Good day/night! :)

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