Chapter 1

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It was honeslty an ordinary day for Hawkins. It was a nice change of pace. It was quiet and peaceful. There was nothing to ruin this day, absolutely nothing. Expect maybe their report cards.

"A C in Spanish Michael? Seriously??" Mrs Wheeler asks.

"It's better than last time," Mike tried to really sell it. "At least I'm passing!" He says.

"I excepted a bit more from you. At least a B would've been better," She says. 

"Will now that we are done with this conversation, I'm gonna go to Will's," He said.

"No we are not done with this conversation Mike. Have you even been trying with your grades? Like really trying?" She asks. He sighs.

"Yes I have. I study every night. You know this," Which is true. He does study most of the time. "And now I know this conversation has officially ended," He says as he leaves. He hears his mom sigh.

"We'll talk later," Mike hears his mom say as he closed the door. He quickly texted will that he was coming over and that'd he'd be there in 20. Mike Grabs his bike and just goes to wills. Only wills.

Mike would never admit it out loud but will was truly one of his only comfort. He was always there for Mike even when Mike was in the wrong. He regretted so many things that happened between them. Therapy truly did help with so much of it. Will was there for Mike throughout everything. Now Mike wanted to return the favor but didn't know how.

Mike makes it to the byers house. He had barely noticed. His head was in the cloud today, clearly. He walks to the front door and knocks. Someone opens it. It's Joyce.

"Oh hi Mike. Will's in his room," She said smiling at him.

"Alright thank you Mrs Byers," Mike says politely as possible. Mike opens the door and sees will just drawing on his bed, his headphones in.

Will looked so focus, as if all of reality, all of what he had gone through never existed. He looked happy drawing. Mike lightly smiles at him. And then taps his shoulder. Thus clearly spooked will.

"Mike?" He asked.

"Sorry did I scare you?" Mike asked laughing a big.

"No no its fine. Just a heads up would've been fine," will tells him.

"What are you drawing?" He asked curiously as he sits don't on Wills bed as well. Both facing each other.

"Huh? Oh I was just drawing up some ideas for the campaign," the other replies.

"Tell me about it," Mike suggests. And just like that will starts explaing it all to him. Not all of it to give it some more fun later on when they actually play.

Mike just listened. He likes it whenever will talks about his interests, he knows not many people listen or understand. It was also refreshing to be the one listening and not always talking.

"So then an ogre comes but I won't tell you how to defeat it!" Will says proudly.

"Sweet! And you've been working with Eddie to make this possible right?" Mike asked.

"Of course. He's been a lot of help," He tells him.

"Wait. Where's El?" Mike finally asked.

"I can't believe it took you that long to realize they weren't here," Will Said laughing slightly. "She's on a date with Max and Lucas," He says simply.

"Oh that makes sense," Mike responds. "Jonathan?"

"Out with argyle I think," He says. Mike just rnods as he flops down on will's bed. Will flops down next to him. Mike then gets a text from someone and he checks it.

"Steve says he wants to take us bowling or to the arcade next week," The curly haired boy said.

"Sounds fun," The bowl cut says.

"I'll tell him we're in," And he did just that. Steve later texts back with an okay.

"Hey do you remember when we were younger and you use to be so afraid of those zombie games?" Mike said.

"Oh God don't remind me. I use to cling on to you all the time," Will laughs. "But you use to be afraid of horror movies. I remember especially you being horrified of child's play," He says reminding the other male.

Mike laughs. "Yeah I was a total coward back then," He tells him.

He then noticed how close both of their hands were. Barely touching each other. He looks at them and then lightly brushes his hand against will's. Will looks at him with these eyes, one that Mike couldn't explain but it felt different. It made him feel different. Oh God. This is bad, this is really bad for Mike.

Just as he thought it couldn't get any worse he subconsciously decides to intertwine their hands together. There was clearly a blush on wills cheeks. Mike just stared at their hands amazed. It felt so right to him. He slowly leans in and just as they were so close to each other Mike gets a call.

"Oh I should probably get that," He said flustered. Will just nods and looks away. "Hello?" Mike says as he picks up.

"Michael where are you? It's already late. I expected you home by 8:30 at the very latest," Mrs Wheeler spoke. Oh shit.

"Oh um sorry mom I guess I hadn't noticed how late it got. I'll be there in 15," The pale boy said. His mom hung up and sighed. "Ugh I gotta go home now," Mike complained.

"Oh I guess time flies by huh," Will says. "I'll walk you out," He said as they both head out.

"Mike leaving already? I'll drive you to your house," Ms Byers said.

"Thank you Mrs Byers," Mike said. Will follows them and on the drive they just talk like they normally would on the drive. Mike Grabs his bike from the back and smiles. "Thank you for the ride!" He said. "Bye will bye Mrs Byers," As he goes inside his house.

"Mike your food is at the kitchen," Karen says. "Go And eat," She says as she ruffles his hair.

"Alright," He sighs. He eats and then goes to his room. "Holy shit," He said out loud.

I mean he had always realized that he had some sort of attraction towards guys but he thought it was just a phase. That'd he'd eventually get a girlfriend and that'd be that. Which is what happened. He dated El and eventually stopped thinking like that. Or so he thought. I guess a part of him always knew.

This was all confusing and new to him. Not to mention his best friend??? What if this could affect their friend ship? What if they stop talking because of this? Will could hate him for what he almost tried to pull.

He pulls out his phone and searches it up. That one fatal quiz that most of us have searched up.

'Am I gay quiz?' 

"I'm in deep shit now," Mike mutters. He took it and it he got 74%. "There's a reason you're taking this quiz," He tells himself. This creates so much more questions for him. He gives up eventually and he just sighs as he turns off his phone and goes to sleep.  Still it was quite a restless sleep.

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