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Matthew J. Ingenium. Loved by many. Worshiped by millions. A man of science, innovation, technology, and discovery. A man who taught generations about the world we live in and how it can be advanced. A man who abused, neglected, and downright tortured his own children. Responsible for the emotional turmoil of his family, and the invention of an abomination. My name is Gilbert Ingenium, and this man is my father.

Dr. Ingenium, as many called him, was the cruel, self-centered leader of Impuritia (a small country bordering America). I mean, you'd have to be pretty fucking heinous to name your son "Gilbert", a name I know to only be used for cats and the elderly. Thankfully, most people call me Gil, which I guess sounds fine, but regardless.

Though the guy was abhorrently evil, that didn't stop the public from worshipping him as a god. Where I grew up, people weren't necessarily the smartest. My father, being the goddamn genius he was, soon grew a large following of people who blindly praised him for everything he did.

Around 2045, four years before I was born, Matthew established Ingenium Labs, a company that specializes in "the removal of any and all national imperfections via technology and innovation". Of course, many would hear this and think "Jesus, that's terrible". And they'd be entirely right. Since I was born, the people of this country have been living in absolute awe of the monster that was my father. The "strange and unusual" would be taken for investigation. The "inferior and expendable" would be used as test subjects for whatever bullshit needed to be fixed.

Despite his cruelty, Impuritia loved him. He was an innovator. Someone who could do something no one else would. If his goal was to "Purify Impuritia", surely everything he was doing was justified. After all, he didn't want to hurt anyone.

But I knew better.

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