The start of a relationship

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You could say the relationship between lancer and archer where on even terms sort of. Lancer was the popular boy got boys and girls and non binary hoes left in right I'd what he called them at least. They where only blood bags to him nothing more nothing less. On the other hand lancer was the closed not as talkative boy who respects boundaries and people..... on the other hand they where in a monster school a monstrosity of ghouls vampires werewolf's  Succubus and many more demons and such. Where they live the night is always bestowed apon them.
Archer snapped out of his weird story telling thing in his mind he walked to class just before the bell could ring. While they're where in class lancer was trying to reach up a girls skirt. Everybody wished that where them. The teacher didn't really care even. Soon the teachers got everybody attention.

CLASS as you know the blood moon is coming very soon. If you do not know what a blood moon is you should've paid danm attention. But anyways I will say this once and only once. The blood moon is when Any demon vampire or anything who mostly drinks blood goes berserk. So no staying out late got home straight after school. Do anything to protect yourself such as boarding up the apartment or house you live in. Make sure you have wood metal and anything to protect yourself. That is all get the hell outta my classroom...... few hours later

After a couple of classes archer catch up with his friend saber.
Hey saber hey archer are you ready for this blood moon stuff.
Hell to the no I'm not trying to wake up and some demon is like right in front of my face or sum. Shiiid do what the teacher told you i guess. I guess whelp better get ready. Shall we we shall.....

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