Another Dumb College AU

Start from the beginning

Finally, the professor dismissed the class. He started packing up his notebook and pens. Before he could stand up, however, she approached him with a look of concern. 

"Is everything alright? I know how much you enjoy this class, but you weren't engaged as much as usual. You're one of my best students, and I want to make sure that you succeed."

Eridan sighed and looked up. "I'm fine. Just a bit stressed about another class. Math isn't my strong suit, and with midterms and all…"

It wasn't entirely a lie. He was definitely a bit worried about that math test tomorrow. But it was easier to say than "yeah I argued with some jerk who was crying in the bathroom and I'm still pissed about it."

"Ah, I see. Well, perhaps I'd best let you go and study then," the professor said brightly, flashing a smile. "Good luck!"

"Thanks. I'll probably need it."

He finished packing his bag, slung it over his shoulder, and headed out. Down the hall, down three flights of rickety stairs, a left down a dimly lit corridor, and out into the crisp fall air. Crunching through the leaves, he stuffed his hands into his pockets. This is perfect weather for a pumpkin spice latte, he thought. And the coffee shop is still open. It's not too far off his route back to the dorms, either… 

Fuck it. Caffeine might help him focus on homework, too. 

Unfortunately, several other students seemed to have the same idea. Eridan sighed, leaning against a pillar. Ugh. If he'd known there would be a line, he probably wouldn't have bothered, but now there were two more people behind him. He couldn't leave and lose his spot. 

He decided to check his phone. A few notifications from various apps, an email about some event he didn't care about on campus, and several texts. Huh. Probably his roommates.

TC: hEy

TC: HeY bRo, CoUlD yOu StOp AnD gEt Us SoMe MoRe MoThErFuCkInG mArShMaLlOwS oN yOuR wAy BaCk To ThE dOrM?

CT: D --> Highb100d, please refrain from acquiring more marshmallows. Gamzee has glued them to the shower again.

Eridan rolled his eyes. His roommates were… special. And not in a good way. Always something stupid going on. Usually involving Gam getting high out of his mind and doing something idiotic. 

Wait, there's another message? From Sollux? Oh, great. 

TA: hey

TA: 2o ii know you're not goiing two care, but...

TA: ii probably 2houldn't have been 2uch a diick earliier

TA: you may be the mo2t obnoxiiou2 piiece of 2hiit ii know

TA: but iif anyone would under2tand what iim goiing through riight now 

TA: ii hate two admiit iit but iit would probably be you

TA: you know the computer lab iin the art buiildiing, riight?

TA: iim gonna be there for the next few hour2

TA: ii don't expect you two 2how up but yeah

As he read through the messages, the line slowly moved up. Eventually, it was his turn to order. 

"Hi Eridan! What can I get fur you?" 

Oh. Nepeta. He hadn't realized she worked here. 

"Hi. Can I get two pumpkin spice lattes?"

"Fur sure! You're not going to drink both, are you?" The oliveblood joked, grabbing two cups and getting to work on the order. 

"No, no. I'm just gettin' one for… a friend."

Another Dumb College AU (EriSol)Where stories live. Discover now