Ch. 1 - Volte-face Revelations

Start from the beginning

Now that he stood directly in front of me, I had to look up at him. Damn my shortness...

He smiled brightly at me as if excited to see an old friend or some shit. But I could tell that he was stiff. Why? I don't know. Nerves maybe? "I see that we go to the same school! Would you like to walk together?"

So that's why he gave me a once-over? He was seriously just looking at my uniform? And now he wants to walk to school together like we're old pals? Un-fucking-believable. I mentally groaned in annoyance. I didn't want to walk with this guy, I don't know him. But then my dad popped into my head. The image of him smiling proudly at me from the front door, telling me to make friends was seared into my mind. The memory and his words loomed over me like a warning, or a threat to do otherwise. My eye twitched at the thought. I guess I have no choice.

I looked up at Daniel and gave a short nod. That seemed to satisfy him as he looked to physically relax, looking way less tense. Was he nervous I was going to say no? Whatever, too late now.

Daniel began to cheerfully walk next to me, asking questions. "So, do you have any tips for me before we get to school? I'm new so I could use all the help I could get."

I mentally scoff at that. Him? With his disgustingly handsome face? He needed tips on how to fit in? What a fucking joke. All he needs to do is smile and that'd be it. He'd be popular throughout our entire school in one day. He didn't need any tips. Lucky bastard. I bet he hasn't known a hard day in his life. I opted for the polite response and just gave him a shrug.

"Oh, you don't have any? Not even a small tip?"

I gave him a side look, mentally wishing that he would kindly shut the fuck up. I then quietly breathe out of my nose before turning to face him. I brought my free hand up to my mask and drew a large smile on it.

Daniel seemed to brighten at the motion. "Oh, I just need to smile?"

Duh, dumbass. I nodded as I continued walking towards school.

"Well, I can do that! Thanks for the tip!" There was a moment of silence between the two of us. I thanked whatever god that listened for it since I'm going to have to deal with more loud fucking noises at school.

"Hey, it never occurred to me..." I guess I spoke too soon, damn. "....what's your name?"

I didn't even turn toward him as we walked. I debated on telling him or not, but I knew it would be rude if I didn't. So I answered with a quiet and small voice, not wanting to talk too much. "Just call me Lucky."

I could practically see the fucking sparkles and sunshine radiating from the bastard as he spoke, making me regret opening my own goddamn mouth as I cringed away from him a bit. "Ok, nice to meet you, Lucky!"

Not wanting to be rude, I nodded back to him in response. 

After that, the majority of the walk was filled with Daniel's occasional questions, my bleak answers, and my mental cussing all the way to the school gate.

I knew instantly that this was going to be a rough fucking year. Mainly because this handsome bastard next to me won't leave me alone. I don't talk to him much and I don't think I rubbed off as nice, but he continues anyway... I give up damn it.

When we enter the school gate, we pass two girls who shamelessly gaped at Daniel. Further on, the tall pretty boy wasn't paying attention, talking vigorously to me, and bumped into a male student with light brown hair. Which was obviously fake as shit. Made him look like a goomba from Super Mario, and that's putting it nicely.

Before the guy can say anything, Daniel apologizes. But the guy responded with, "Hey, watch where you're going!" Which pissed me off. My jaw instantly tensed as I stared at the bitch in front of me, trying to keep from glaring. It wasn't his words that angered me, his voice was just so annoyingly fucking loud, and he was standing right next to us. There's no need to shout at someone so close, bastard. I didn't say anything, just continued giving the goomba bitch a heated stare while Daniel meekly apologizes again.

When goomba turned to look at Daniel, he too shamelessly gaped at the pretty boy. Daniel stopped to ask if he was alright. I didn't care how goomba felt, and I'd had enough of his dumbass face so I continued on walking.

Daniel noticed this and quickly began to catch up while saying, "Ah, wait for me!"

I mentally sighed in anguish and future exhaustion. Everyone we passed just gaped at Daniel like he was the living incarnation of a goddamn deity or something. It's beginning to get on my fucking nerves. But stupid pretty boy Daniel didn't seem to notice as he finally quieted down and looked to be thinking hard about something. Not that I mind, I finally get a little peace and fucking quiet.

Just then, a girl seemed to speed passed us and turn to stare at Daniel with a weird ass face.

Lucky for me, she didn't even bat an eyelash at me. She has this weird ass pervy expression on her face, so I'd rather not have her ogling at me like that...

Daniel doesn't seem to notice her though. He's either too stupid or really deep in thought... no, he's probably both.

As we continued walking, I noticed everyone staring and whispering about Daniel. And boy do these dumb fucking bastards need to learn how to properly whisper. I can practically hear every damn word they're all saying to each other. Stuff like, "Are those two new?" And, "Look at that hot one!" And, "What's a hotty like him doing with a guy like that?" I'm assuming the hot one is Daniel and the 'guy' is me. No skin off my back, just means I can focus on my stupid school work better.

Daniel seemed confused about something, not that I really cared. Then his eyes lit up with realization. "Are you new here too, Lucky?"

What a dumbass. I know I didn't tell him but still, it's not that big a deal. I nodded to him as we continued to walk to the office, through the crowds of whispering students that aren't really fucking whispering.

When we finally got to the front office, I could thoroughly say that I was already tired of this damn school. The damn receptionist ogled Daniel like every student we passed did, and I wanted nothing to do with it. Why did I have to run into someone like this guy on my first day, being around him is draining... just my fucking luck.

Finally, the receptionist gathered our schedules, a map of the school grounds together, and our shoe locker numbers. Then handed both of our things to Daniel, completely ignoring me. It irked me, causing my jaw to tighten up a bit again. But I calmed myself down since I guess it's fine, I didn't have to talk much, especially to this bitch.

Daniel thanked her kindly and handed me my stuff. I just mentally flipped her the bird. After that, we walked off to put our shoes away, then to the teachers' lounge to find our homeroom teacher. Sadly... we have the same fucking teacher.

But can't say I'm surprised. With a face like Daniel's, it's no surprise he's in the fashion department. Though, you would think he would choose a department more suited for his looks, like the modeling department or something. Whatever, not my business.

Just thinking about how this year is going to go makes my fucking mood sour.

~ To Be Continued ~


Lucky's nickname for Daniel is Pretty Boy

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