Homless Harry au - Part 2

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Thanks for all of the kind comments on part one!! It really means a lot :)! Anyways here's part two. Sorry it's a bit short. I hope you enjoy!!

Word count: 1059

Louis lends a hand to help pull Harry up from the bench before the two begin the walk back to Louis' car. As the two are walking, Louis notices Harry begin to stumble a bit, so he places a hand on Harry's back to steady him.

"Hey, you alright?" He asks.

"I'm fine, j-just freezing and really, really tired." Harry's eyes are droopy and his shivering is worse than before.

"Almost there, love. My car's that black one right there." Louis guides Harry to the passenger side door and he immediately sinks into it, curling into himself with a groan.

Louis circles the car, getting in and immediately starting the engine, cranking the heat. He then reaches back and grabs the blanket from the backseat before draping it across Harry.

"Look, are you sure you're going to be alright at the shelter? Not to be like, rude, but you seem pretty weak right now." Louis gets a pit in his stomach thinking about how long Harry must have been out in the cold this week, considering he hasn't seen him at the shelter and they were going through an unusually cold spell of weather.

"I'll be fine once I'm warmed up." Harry said softly, or maybe he just didn't have the energy to speak any louder.

"Are you sure?"


The car ride was mostly silent after that. It was getting late and Louis wanted Harry to be able to rest on the way there. He didn't know why, but he felt an extremely strong urge to rap Harry up and keep him safe from the rest of the world. To protect him.

As they pulled up to the shelter, Louis glanced over at Harry, seeing him gaze worriedly at the grim looking building.

"Do you want me to go in with you?" Louis asked, sensing Harry's nerves.

"No, I'll be okay. I'll come back out and let you know if they have space. Thank you for taking me here," Harry paused looking at the ground, "I-I don't think I could have made it here walking, so thank you."

"Anytime, Harry, really. I'm happy to help. I'll wait here for you."

Harry just smiled at that, climbing out of the car to head inside.

_ _ _

About 5 minutes later, Louis looked up to see a sobbing Harry approaching the car, hugging himself tightly and fighting against the harsh, bitter cold wind. Louis immediately jumped out of the car, running over and wrapping his arms around Harry.

"Hey," he soothed, "What's happened?" He asked as he quickly ushered Harry into the car, making sure he's secure before quickly finding his way to his own seat, shutting the door against the bitter cold.

"T-there we're just s-some not very nice people in there," Harry forced out through his sobs.

"Who? What did they say to you?"

"I-it's just some blokes that I've seen around before that are never very nice to me. It's fine but I just, I can't stay there with them."

"Is it just what they say? They wouldn't, like, hurt you or anything, would they? Like physically?"

Harry just shrugged, looking down as tears poured out of his eyes. "It's fine," he said, to avoid having to admit the truth. Louis connected the dots anyway.

"They've hurt you!?" Louis asked, incredibly concerned.

"O-only like once or twice, b-but nothing too bad I promise," Harry sobbed. "They mostly just talk shit. It's okay, Louis, really. I'm used to it."

"Haz, that's- that's horrid. You shouldn't have to be 'used to it.'" Louis says softly, making Harry cry even harder. "You should go to the police and file a report."

"It's not like they'd do anything. First of all, I have no proof, and second of all I'm just some w-worthless homeless kid. They won't do anything to actually help me, and those guys will probably find out and beat me even harder." Harry's crying is still as strong as it was when he exited the building.

"Hey, we've been over this. You are not worthless, Harry. Your situation in life doesn't define you. You have so much worth." Louis reached out and placed a gentle hand on Harry's arm, and Harry blushed.

Harry didn't know what else to say except for a small "okay."

"Did they hurt you just now while you were in there? Or were they just being mean?"

"Just mean." Harry sniffled.

"What did they say? If you don't mind me asking."

Harry hesitated. "T-they told me that no one could ever love me, and that I'm a disgusting freak and that I should- that I should just kill myself already."

Louis gasped, and quickly pulled Harry into the tightest hug he could manage while bending over the center console of his car. "Please tell me you know that none of that is true. Please, Haz."

Harry didn't say anything for a few moments, then finally muttered an unconvincing, "yeah."

Louis' only response was to squeeze Harry tighter, rubbing up and down Harry's back until he calmed down a bit.

Eventually, Harry pulled away and looked down in his lap. "M'sorry." He mumbled, sounding very genuine.

"For what? You've nothing to be sorry for."

"For being dramatic. And crying so much." Harry shrugged and sniffled.

"I can assure you you're not being dramatic. And it's okay to cry. You've been through a lot, especially tonight. It's more than okay to cry and be upset about it. You don't have to apologize for anything."

Harry smiled sadly, before his expression turned back to a frown and he said, "Still, I feel really bad about ruining your night."

"You haven't ruined anything, I promise. I just want to make sure you're warm and safe." Louis blushed slightly at his own words, hoping they didn't creep Harry out or anything.

Harry just smiled and looked down to hide his scarlet cheeks.

"Thank you for being so kind. I've not met anyone as genuinely kind as you in a long while. And generous too."

Louis blushed. "No need to thank me. I'm just doing what any decent human would do. I'm just sorry there aren't more decent humans on this earth."

Harry smiled. "It's alright, you've shown me there's still some out there."

Now it was Louis' turn to smile. "Yeah? Well you've shown me the same thing

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