here is that story

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katya run room and closed the room

katya palisman

katya:not now Hercules

Hercules grolws:ok

katya puts on a purple dress and a gray boot

katerina voice:katy


katya make the door open

katerina:hi sweetie you go right


kamora:good we don't have time my little toothy

katya palisman fly to katya mom and grandmother


katya started that palisman

katya:i love you mom and grandmother

katerina:we love you too sweetie 🥺

kamora:go and find your new life and love 😏


katya fly now palisman

katya dad voice:where is she

katerina:she is not here

hour later

katya:hello excuse me

old woman:yes young lady

katya: can you tell me what this place is

old woman:that is Boiling Isles ^^ young lady

katya:thx you ähm
i have 1 ask ^^ ähm can is a bit at you stay so ähm my palisman and i we are run and fly because i had problem my dad and he focred me a peron to married so i am run and have leave

old woman:sure sweetie 🥺how can he do that come dear follow me you can so long

katya:ok thx ^^

at old woman

katya:ähm you lift alone

old woman:yes
my husband is die
my daughter and his wife had a daughter

katya:and where is she

old woman:too die
belos had my grandchild and my daughter and his wife petrified

katya:that is not fair :(

old woman:my family was wild whitch

katya:my family are too and me too

old woman:dont worry i tell no

katya:ok thx you

old woman:np
sits you i make tea and eat

katya;thx ^^


old woman:you have to pay attention ok you're palisman


old woman:no idea why belos want :( he say palisman are dangerous

katya:ofc not –_– the are so cute and the proctetc us

old woman:what you name

katya:i am katya

old woman:nice meet you katya come here is a room you can here sleep

katya:ok ^^
hey ähm is that ok i here stay i can like what make i can cook and clean

old woman:aww you have to not ^^
but sure if you want katya
gn you two

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