Two Zera's ?!

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A/n: so I've seen most of you guys have been pissed off due to the unexpected lemon and I get that so I won't do any more any way on with the story

Location: emerald forest

Time: unknown

- No pov-

Y/n: " I don't know why you ask ozpin that we can go camping "

Zera: " because I feel like we can use a vacation just for me and you x "

Y/n: " whatever let's hurry up and find a place to set up camp "

Zera: " yes daddy "

Y/n: " what was that "

Zera: " nothing "

Y/n: " I'll set up camp you go find some sticks for fire wood "

Zera: " alright " she walks off

- zera Pov -

I started to collect fire wood as I heard a saber ignite. As I jumped to my left as a figure cut multiple trees with one strike. When I was able to recover I looked at who attacked me. My eyes widened in shock and disbelief of who I saw right before me.

An exact replica of me just in a different color scheme as I pulled out my saber

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An exact replica of me just in a different color scheme as I pulled out my saber.

" I don't know why you look like me ! But you are getting to X ! "

The replica smirks at me as she threw her arm back as her hair appears. As she finally spoke

" I am the Messiah! Hahahaha! " She dashed at me at incredible speed I barley had enough time to react as I blocked her saber at the last second.

- meanwhile -

Y/n: looking at instructions for the tent " ok that gos here "
An explosion off in the distance

Y/n: looks where it came from " eh must be to grim fighting " goes back the the introduction

- back with zera -

I crash through at least ten trees as my clothes were badly rip but yet I can say the same for my copy who was also severely damaged. I struggled to get up due to how much damage I took

" I don't know who you are or why your here but your not getting X ! "

My copy smirks " oh I'm getting him one way or another ~ "

I grew tired of my copy mouth as I put most of my power into my saber as we both dashed at each other and swung our saber at each other as they collided

I grew tired of my copy mouth as I put most of my power into my saber as we both dashed at each other and swung our saber at each other as they collided

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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