Uto's eyes widened and his brows raised up, while he was trying to hide a smile. "Ba hahahahahahahaha!" Uto burst into laughter as he held his stomach as tears fell from his eyes. The squad of men flinched a little, I could even see Olorin back away a little bit.

Uto calmed down a little bit as he wiped away his tears. "Haha, y-you, will go easy, on me??" Uto said trying hard not to laugh again. "Ah, thank you. It's been awhile since I've had a good laugh. But unfortunately for you, I'm afraid your fun must come to an end, and my fun will now begin." Uto said giving a toothy grin.

He started to levitate on the ledge, and he placed his feet on the floor. My eyes widened at this.

'He can fly? Is he a white core? How strong is he?'

Uto smile widened as he saw my reaction. I could even hear the squad start to murmur.

"Stand fast men. Let's show this Uto what we can do." Olorin said. I quickly composed myself. This isn't the time to hold back.

Uto leapt off the ledge and landed on the cavern floor, the shockwave from his collision shaking the walls and roof. He slowly stood up and his eyes darted between us. My eyes narrowed at him. He took a step forward, and I didn't hesitate to attack first.

I raised my left hand as vines shot up from the ground and wrapped around Uto in order to restrict his movements. I wrapped my sword in water mana, and swung it in the air, releasing an arc of water that shot off towards Uto at high velocity.

Uto moved his head slightly to the left as the arc flew past him. However, his eyes widened as the corner of the arc nicked off the tip of his left horn. Uto raised his left arm breaking free from the vines with ease. My eyes widened at this.

'How can he be so strong?'

He touched his left horn, and felt the tip was gone. His expression turned from one of boredom to one of anger. Uto released a large amount of bloodlust in fury. The bloodlust was overwhelming, I have never felt pressure like this before.

"You will pay for that. I am definitely going to take my time with you." Uto said as he waved his right arm and a black metal pitchfork formed in his right hand.

"Engage!" Olorin yelled as he and his men dashed forward.

I waved my arms as vines erupted from the ground and shot towards Uto. Uto just waved his left hand up, and metal spikes shot up from the ground, impaling half the attacking force with ease, cutting through them with ease as if they were made of paper.

Uto then twirled his pitchfork in a circular motion as his cut down the vines that targetted him. With a flick of his wrist, metal spikes shot out from Uto's pitchfork towards the rest of our forces as they ran around maneuvering.

I clenched my jaw seeing his strength and skill.

'Time to step it up.'

I activated my beast will as black scales formed over my skin. My hair turned black, and looked wet. Uto raised a brow at this, but he didn't even flinch.

I waved my left arm as for torrents of water shot out from my side aimed at Uto. Uto dashed to the left getting out of the way of the attack. Olorin landed behind Uto and sliced his daggers down, sending a waved of water at Uto in the form of an X.

Uto didn't have time to dodge, however, shadows formed around Uto as they protected him from our attack. I waved my left arm as more vines shot out from the wall and wrapped around Uto.

But more shadows forming around Uto cut the vines with ease.

"Now!" Olorin yelled.

His squad moved at once working in tandem and spells formed around their weapons. Olorin started to move in his water wheel attack as he moved towards Uto.

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