Chapter 18- Heartbreaks and Tours

Start from the beginning

I've lost fifteen pounds total this whole two weeks and need to put it back on to get back to my required weight. "This was really good mom." I cooe. She laughs shaking her head. "I bet so." "Yeah it was really good." Mrs. Prescott.

I've always wondered why my mom still used her married name after not being with dad for so long. I'm sure it's not a big deal to why though. I look at mom and then at Colby. This is kind of nice. "I'll be right back. I have to call someone." I say standing up and heading to the den where i'm sure I left my phone.

I pick it up and dial Drew's number. It rings a few times before someone answers.

"Nov?" A raspy sick voice says. That can't be Drew. "Why do you have Drew's phone?" I choke out. I'm caught on my words by the way Cole sounds. "He's in the store I wanted to stay in the car." He answers. Why? Is it because he looks just as bad as I do? Or does he risk himself being seen by some girl?

"If you don't mind have him call me." I sigh. I'm about to hang up when Cole sighs. "Wait Nov." "what?" I asks harsher than intended. "Is there a time we can talk? In person?" He asks. "I-I don't know." I stammer. With that I hang up the phone and fall onto the couch crying.

I need to let this out. I tell myself it's all going to be alright I just need to let my anger and sadness out. I think back to a few weeks ago and walk up to my room looking at the frame withe the pictures spelling out Prom? In it. Am I overthinking the whole forgiving him?

I should atleast talk to him knowings I did kiss Drew for revenge. I can't today but maybe by the time prom comes around i'll talk to him. I just have to make sure Cole goes to prom. My phone viberates and I look over.

Drew: New Picture message..... Cole is at home. What's your deal?
Nova: Make sure Cole goes to prom. That's all I need you to do. I have a plan. A p-l-a-n.
Drew: Retard......But okay. I gotcha.

I sigh in relief as Drew told me what I wanted to know. He's helping me with a way to probably forgive Cole. I haven't thought about the next step yet but it's a working progress type plan.

Two weeks Nova. Two weeks until prom. The most magical night for a girl who always wanted to be a princess as a child. Me i'm just wanting to get it over with. This was my dream. I wanted to go to prom with the perfect boy, perfect dress, and perfect everything else.

You don't always have fairy tale endings. The little voice in the back of my head throws in.


"And you have to make sure all the boys shower and brush their teeth." My mom finally finishes. "Mom you're acting like a mad lady. Ace, Colby, or Garrison's mothers are not acting this way." I laugh hugging her. "That's because your mother is our spokes lady." Garrison's mom replies. "Mother." Garrison groans.

I laugh hugging each of our moms before climbing aboard the tour bus. Mom is alittle iffy with all us on one tour bus that has bunks but I promised her we will be fine. She should already know nothing is going to happen.

The tour consist of us, a newer band called Shooting fire and the most famous singer out of the three is Connor Smith. He's absolutly amazing and very good looking might I add. He's extremely famous also.

We start moving and as the bus pulls out of the parking lot I feel a urge of sadness. I didn't even say goodbye to my friends. Or even tried talking to Cole.

I'm by far the worst friend/girlfriend/ everything else. I've failed at this mission of happiness. Badly.

"So we are going to hit the studios to record a few songs. Is that cool?" Ace asks sitting down next to me. "Fine." I reply. "I know it's hard. It was hard when Lilian cheated on me and then left me at Prom alone." Ace says. "Lilian cheated on you?" I asked shocked. "With my cousin." He laughs.

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