Chapter 2

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The next morning Tabby had to wake up extra early for school, she had to meet up with one of her friends, Chip, to discuss a movie project they are doing in a class they share.

The brunette let out a yawn before making her way downstairs to the kitchen. When she entered she saw her mom already at the dining table reading her paper.

"Hey," she said sliding into the seat across from her.

"Good morning honey," her mother said before taking a sip of her coffee.

"Will you be home tonight?"

"Not until late I work until 10" Tabby said grabbing a piece of toast and spreading jam on it.

"Tabitha... you know how I feel about you working late..."

"I know! but it's fine I have a ride home I won't take my bike."

Her mother looked at her unsurely but nodded.

"Good morning" they heard a voice say.

Tabby choked on the piece of toast she was chewing before turning to Imogen who she saw was standing by the counter holding her backpack.

"Good morning," she said wiping jam off her mouth.

"Would you like some breakfast?" Ms.Haworthe offered.

"No thank you, I was wondering if I could have the keys to my mom's house... I wanted to get something before I go to school."

"School? are you sure you're ready for that."

"Yeah... I've already missed a lot of school work... might as well catch up before I have to leave for a bit" she said rubbing her stomach.

Tabby followed the movement and looked down at the girl's stomach before looking back up at her.

"Be safe" she said handing Imogen the keys.

The brunette suddenly stood up "I'll go with her."

Imogen looked like she wanted to protest but instead gave them a fake smile.

They both walked down the street in silence, the only thing that was heard were the sounds of the morning birds.

Tabby glanced over at Imogen noticing she was staring straight ahead she looked lost in thought.

"So," she said drawing out the o.

The blonde looked over at her.

"Are you ready for school?" the brunette said deciding to break the silence with a harmless question.

"I mean I guess," she said as they crossed the street "an upside it'll keep me distracted but I'm not ready for people to talk behind my back."

"Well if it makes you feel may better if I heard anyone speak on you I will end them" she smiled.

She saw the girl look down a hide the small smile forming on her face.

"We're here" she looked up at the house before turning her gaze back towards the girl who she saw was just staring blankly at the house.


The blonde closed her eyes and shook her head before looking at Tabby "I'm sorry did you say something?"

"We're here."

"Right- yeah," she said looking back at the house.

"Do you want me to go in with you?" she offered.

"Uh- if you don't mind," she said.

"Of course, I don't mind come on," she said leading the girl up the porch stairs.

Once they got to the door Imogen unlocked it and stepped in, she saw the girl tense as she looked around.

"Are you okay?" the curly-haired girl whispered.

"Yeah I'm good, I'm going to get what I came for," she said before making her way up the stairs.

"Okay- and you're already gone," she said as the girl walked away before she could even hear her response.

Tabby walked into the living room seeing that it looked like a normal home and not covered in blood like the rumors at school suggested.

She picked up a magazine and started flipping through it.

"Tabby you can go ahead to school i think in just going to stay here for a bit" she heard a voice and turned around to see Imogen by the archway.

Tabby thought for a moment "do you want me to stay with you?" the girl had a project due in two days, and her friend was expecting her but she didn't want to leave the girl here alone, where one of the worst things ever happened to her.

"Oh you don't have to..."

"No, it's okay I'll stay" she then flipped on the light switched and looked up to see it turn on "looks like the power is still on, we can watch a movie or something it'll be fun."

"Yeah okay..."

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