Chapter 6 - 2 Burgers

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I yelped before falling as Akaashi rushed over. I moved my head out of the water and sat up while breathing heavily.

"Holy shizzles!" I gasped for air before noticing Akaashi laughing as he offered his hand which I grabbed.

"Jeez, are you okay?" he chuckled as he lifted me up. "You're soaked!"

"I slipped," I shook my head as I looked down at my dress. The skirt was lifted too high so I quickly moved it down as Akaashi looked away. "This is bad."

"It's alright, did you keep any pair of extra clothes in your car? I can get them for you."

"" I replied, frowning.

"Oh. That's okay," he said right before he moved his arm under my knees and bridal-carried me.

"What're you doing..?"

"Unless you want to catch a cold, you need to transfer some of the water to me. Your dress isn't too large thankfully so it won't be so bad."

I blinked while looking into his eyes as he made his way back to the bench. He sat down with me seated on his laps. I leaned back a little so he could see his canvas clearly while he continued to paint like this was nothing. I didn't refuse it either.

"If you want I can give you your canvas and brush?" he asked, not moving his eyes off the canvas.

"Yeah, please. Is it alright if I use some of your paint? I'll deal with what I can get."

He nodded and leaned over to his left trying to grab what was needed. He was close to my face and he didn't seem to realize it until he looked down at me where I could feel his breath on my face. He visibly started to turn red before moving away and handing me the supplies.

He was adorable and I couldn't help but giggle.

Akaashi gave a confused look before I lightly shook my head to assure him it was nothing. We painted and I expected to be moved accidentally but Akaashi was really careful with his movements. I was also surprisingly comfortable.

On his laps.

We finished at the same time and decided to judge one another's painting. Clearly, Akaashi's outlines were much smoother.

"That's not fair you know," I whined, unintentionally my hips too much in disappointment as I complained the whole time.

"I'm sure if I didn't-"

Akaashi sharply inhaled a little, leaving me confused.


"Ece-chan, please...don't move." He muttered.


Oh fuck.

I soon felt a bump down there.

"Oh my- I'll get off," and just as I was starting to lift myself, he grabbed my waist and sat me down.

"Not now."

We sat there in such embarrassment wondering if I should apologize or not. Akaashi's face was red as he avoided eye contact with me.

"Uhm," I broke the awkward silence. "It's okay you know, it's my fault for moving anyways."

"It's embarrassing," he mumbled. I giggled and poked his face lightly.

"It's fine. Can I get off?"

He nodded and I did so. "We should return soon. It's getting dark."

"Yes of course," I nodded in agreement as we packed. "Do you want to grab dinner before? I could use some food right now."

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