chapter 5

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Josh's POV

I was in the kitchen with Dallas and Logan hiding from Melanie. We broke up yesterday and she wouldn't stop chasing me around since, so I went to get a drink with the guys. While we were in the kitchen Logan got a phone call from Kylie saying that she was out front,so he went to her,which left me and Dallas leaning against the counter tops.

*One minute later*

Logan walked in with Kylie hand in hand and shortly after Bekkah walked in.I just stared and her....then Dallas elboed me in the ribs so I stuttered. "B-bekkah?"I retained back my cool and smirked,"didn't know good girls like you attended these types of functions Bekkah."I said while checking out bekkah. My eyes roamed her body from head to toe. She look pretty. Scratch that she looked hot! Bekkah blushed crimson red as I raked over her body once,twice,three times. "Want a drink?" I asked trusting a red cup in her hand. She looked skeptically at the cup of alcohol I was giving her. "What? Doesnt the lil Angel know how to have fun?" I pushed.

She glared at me at took the cup and drank it all in one gulp.

Bekkah's POV

He was just stating at me like a headless alien till Dallas nudged him in his ribs. "B-bekkah?" He stuttered. He shocked expression turned into a smirk and I just wanted to slap it right off his face. "Didn't know good girls like you attended these types of functions Bekkah," he said while raking his eyes all over my body. I've never felt so naked in my life. A crimson red blush ctpt its way onto my cheeks. "Want a drink?" He asked shoving the red cup into my hands. I looked at it skeptically. "Doesn't the lil angel know how to have fun?" He asked teasingly. I glred at him and took the cup and drank it all in one gulp just to get me point across.

After I drank the alcohol I felt a little dizzy,but that didn't stop me from trying to show up Josh. I smiled victoriously at him and raised my eyebrow.

All he did was smirked,which angered me so I pulled Kylie out the kitchen and went to the dance floor. We were dancing to timber and I was swaying my hips everywhere enjoying the music. While I was dancing I felt a presence behind me but that didn't stop me from dancing. "Your really good" the person whispered into my ear which sent a heat wave down my whole body. It was Luke,the guy ive been crushing on since 4th grade.''Let's take this to the kitchen shall we?''I turned around and stared into those big blue orbs. The looked darker than usual. I followed him to the kitchen where he poured a cup of smirn off for both me and him. He drank his in one gulp and motioned for me to drink mine. I chugged it all down and svrewed up my face. He chuckled and gave me another cup and I drank it followed by another and another. This boy was probabably a bad influence on me but I loved him.

After drinking all those drinks u started feeling light headed. I fell but luckily Luke caught me. I stared at his gorgeous eyes and he crashed his lips to mine.I snaked my arms around his neck and he placed his arms around my neck. He deepened the kiss and became more aggressive. I tried shoving him off because he was getting a little bit rough and I could smell the alcohol in his  breath. The kiss became more rough and sloppy, he grabbed my ass and my eyes shot open, I shoved him off me and stared at his angry expression.

His nostrils flared and his hands clenched into fists. He lunged towards me but before he touched me he was yanked back and sent crashing to the ground. I looked up to see who my saviour was and low and behold, it was the one and only Josh.

"Are you okay short cake?" He asked looking genuinely. I was touched that he actually cared  concerned, but I got angry as I noticed what he had called me. "I'm fine!" I snapped. He looked shocked. But then his shocked expression then turned into one of anger. "Well if your so fine then maybe I should've left you to get raped!" He spat harshley and walked out of the room.
I broke down, I pulled my knees into my head and started crying.


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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2015 ⏰

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