Sprout angst part 2 of Ace Venture

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*after they leaves Maretime Day and Sprout turn to Human*
Ace Ventura: *Saw Sprout is upset*
Sprout (Human):   give me five minutes 
*Sprout saw Emperor Sprout in water*
Sprout (Human): *Hear something or Someone*
*Sprout saw Beautiful girl*
Sprout (Human): Um 
???: Oh I'm sorry I'm Alice a daughter of Ray Finkle/Lois Einhorn
Sprout (Human): do you ever less  your friends
Alice: Well my dad is villain and people calls me Villain
Sprout (Human): See
Ace Ventura: Sprout!!!! *Saw Alice Finkle*
Alice: Sorry Ace I was just doing some things 
Ace Ventura: Um ok
*Sprout cry*
Ace Ventura: Sprout?????
Sprout (Human): Did you ever did wrong  *Cry*
Ace Ventura: *Hug Him*
??? (Human): Sprout!!!!
Ace Ventura: you can't give up now Snowflake need you Sprout!!!!!
Sprout: No one need me Ace Ventura!!!!!
*Ace Ventura saw Tear of Sprout eyes*
??? (Human): I'm sorry that monster ruined your life Ace Ventura!
Ace Ventura: Monster???? He help me Sunny
Sunny (Human): But
Zipp (Human): Ace Ventura???
Ace Ventura: what's your problem huh!!!!!! 
*Everyone is scared*
Ace Ventura: .....
Hitch (Human): What????
Ace Ventura: I'm sorry
*Ace Ventura saw Hitch and his friends took Sprout away from him*
Dan Marino: Ace???
Ace Ventura: I thought I need Help
Dan Marino:  Go find Sprout 
Ace Ventura: *Saw Spike on his arm* what
Dan Marino: Look you guys are friends
Ace Ventura: Well yes 
Dan Marino: Then go
Alice: I come with you Ace
Ace Ventura: ok
*They saw Sprout in his jail cell*
Sprout: Guys?????
Spike the Monkey: *Open jail cell*
Sprout: Thanks Spike
*Spike hug Him*
Hitch: Hey!!!!
Zipp:  what's going on
Sprout: let me tell you a going
*Mane 5 come to Sprout*
Sprout:  i'm leaving and I don't care what you say when or not
Pipp: but you're not a hero!!!! *Laughs*
Sprout:  and I'm not the one use  my phone *Laughs*
Pipp: *Stop Laughing* rude
Sprout: Also care of them
Zipp: what what are you doing
Sprout:  finish the case 
Sunny: i'm coming with you
Sprout: I thought I wasn't your friend Sunny
Past Sunny: What Happens
Sprout: Hope you happy
*Sprout feel someone hold his hoofs*
Hitch: I want to come with you
Sprout: But I thought everypony need you 
Hitch: No but
Sprout: *Smiles*
Ace Ventura: So are you guys ready!!!!
*After Ray Finkle defeat and Ray Finkle and Alice Finkle and Ace Venture and Spike the Monkey join New Mane 6*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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