I. Mii

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I could feel something rumbling under me as I groggily awoke. It seemed I had been tied up, as my hands were bound together. I opened my eyes slowly, struggling to see much through my blurred vision. I was seated in a wagon, with another man seated across from me, also tied.

"Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right?" He asked. My eyes focused to find this wasn't exactly a man, but rather a tall fox in clothes. He was wearing a light grey jacket, a red bandana around his neck, and tall metallic boots.

"I, uh... What?" I slurred, failing to piece together a sentence.

"The border between the Mushroom Kingdom and Hyrule, where that huge canyon divides them? I saw you fall. You okay?" He asked. That explained the pounding headache.

"I think so. Nothing seems broken at least." I replied, furrowing my brow. Looking around, it seemed we were in this canyon described. Towering rocky walls could be seen to our sides, with a long path bleeding into the horizon in front and behind us.

As I looked around, I noticed we weren't alone. Two turtles standing on their hind legs were grunting as they pulled the cart along.

Koopas. The name came to me from somewhere, but I couldn't tell how I knew that. There was another wagon further ahead of us, but they were too far to see much detail. I could see some figures sitting in the wagon, but my eyes were still too unfocused to see any details.

"My name is Fox. You?" Fox introduced himself.

"Me?" I responded automatically. I had been so busy taking in my surroundings I'd almost forgotten he was here.

"Nice name. Seriously, what's your name?" He reiterated. I opened my mouth to respond, but faltered. My mind had gone completely blank. Who was I?

"I don't know." I concluded. I saw Fox's relaxed demeanour stiffen to my response.

"What, you don't remember?" He asked. I shook my head. "You did land on your head... Maybe you have amnesia?"

"Well, that'd explain the headache. What are we doing here, tied up like this?" I asked, gesturing to the rope around my wrists.

"Ah, seems these folk are drafting us for 'lord' Bowser's army." He sighed, making quotation marks as he said the title. I didn't remember who this Bowser was, but I had a vaguely bad feeling in my stomach at his mention.

"So, what's to stop us from jumping out and just running?" I asked, glancing at the koopas at the front. They weren't exactly menacing, at half our height.

"We could, but there's no need to really. Not yet at least. The next ramp up outta this canyon is just ahead of us, so we might as well catch a ride." Fox leaned back, resting his tied hands behind his head.

I sighed, and looked around again. Looking at the wagon ahead of us, my eyes finally started to focus and saw who was sitting inside.

Several little brown blobby folk with no arms. Goombas. There's about six of em sitting unbound in the back. The only other person is a young girl with orange hair, tied up like us.

"It feels wrong to just... go along with this." I murmured, sitting back.

"Once we get outta this canyon, we'll hightail it. If you don't have any memory, you can stick with me 'til you've figured something out." Fox said. I nodded in agreement before looking over at the other wagon.

"What about her?" I asked, gesturing to the wagon ahead of us. Fox contemplated for a moment.

"If we want to rescue her, we'd probably have to fight off all of those Goombas with her. Goombas aren't tough, but our hands are tied and I have no idea how you'd do in a fight." Fox thought out loud. I could see the calculations running through his mind.

"This is sounding impossible, but..." I glanced back at her. She looked young, just a kid. The way she sat, she looked so small and frightened. "But we can't just leave her. I can't."

"Sounds like a hero complex, Mii." Fox sighed.


"Well I have to call you something.  All I thought of was that joke from earlier." Mii. It was silly, but I didn't exactly have any better ideas.

"It'll work until I remember or find out. Now, let's figure out a plan."

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