Different teaching

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A joint training session between two people who occasionally fight together isn't uncommon but when those two people are supposed rivals, things get a bit more difficult. When Atsushi first heard the idea for a joint training session he was unsure how to feel; he and Akutagawa didn't really get along so he had a good belief this wasn't going to work, but nevertheless Atsushi did have faith in Dazai so ultimately followed along with no complaints when the fated day arrived. Akutagawa on the other hand knew exactly how he felt; disgust and frustration were only a couple of the immense emotions he was feeling when he heard the news but hidden in the mix their was also great excitement at getting to be trained under Dazai once again, so when the fated day arrived he too followed along with no complaints.

The day started simple. Everyone met in the Port Mafia training facility, that Mori had loaned out for the activity as agreed, at the appointed time early in the morning. Dazai and Atsushi stood in the entrance whilst Akutagawa stood boldly in the centre of the room, his enthusiasm was just radiating from him. He literally had been waiting there in advance for two hours already, if that didn't demonstrate enthusiasm then what did. However, as Atsushi expected, Akutagawa was not feeling so enthusiastic for the joint training, the very point of today, but instead to be training under his former mentor once again. It was this very fact that had Akutagawa trailing after Dazai like an obedient dog; Atsushi swore at one moment Rashoumon was wagging about like a little tail. It was ridiculous, especially how all that pure elation instantly vanished when he was reminded, he was here to train with Atsushi. A grumpy old expression would quickly appear on his face which would obviously annoy Atsushi and before you know it, they were bickering non-stop. Fortunately, before things could escalate beyond heated arguments, Dazai would promptly step in scolding the two, resulting in two pouting subordinates listening to their mentor's instructions for today. The two would continue to sulk for a bit, but by listening to Dazai speak, it didn't take long for Akutagawa's excitement to return and hence the cycle would repeat.

Atsushi was getting quite frustrated by this continuous cycle, when today was to get them stronger to be able to easily combat future opponents together, but at least he was taking some blame for it. He wasn't proud of how he kept lowering himself to retorting to each and everyone of Akutagawa's jibes but he couldn't help himself with how easily the words fell out his mouth due to the emotions his opponents  words created. Honestly, it was actually quite embarrassing for the weretiger, knowing he was arguing without a care in front of his mentor and then having to have said mentor scold them when they got too far. It was awfully humiliating but sadly not enough to keep his mouth shut. Akutagawa's words just riled him up so much it hurt. Also when you know the perfect retaliation, you can't just not say it, particularly when the only thing to hold you back is pride and when did he ever care for such a thing. This meant he of course just opened his mouth, letting the words flow out, again and again, continually feeding into the cycle. 

But it was hard to break the cycle. The two of them were just too similar that it was easy to know what to say to get on the others nerves but coincidently even harder to ignore the words. It was as if a slightly off replica of yourself was reciting your deepest insecurities, you couldn't just let that go. Well that was how Atsushi felt and he could only wish it was the same for Akutagawa or else why would he be so adamant on constantly arguing with him. The only clear reason would be to vent out his insecurities, is it not? Atsushi just may be projecting his wishes onto his rival but after the amount of time hew's spent with the other, he can only hope he understands at least a bit of the others struggles and vice versa. Speaking of Akutagawa he was still holding onto every word coming out of Dazai's mouth; he really was clinging on their mentor like a possessive child. It was still quite irritating how the  other could easily pay attention and be greatly cooperative when it came to Dazai but the minute it came to him, Akutagawa was filled with much reluctance and sourness. Seriously, what was with Atsushi to grant this response? It was ridiculous and got on his nerves so vividly, and just thinking about it again was making the weretiger want to boil up into a ball of flames and launch his annoyance at Akutagawa, continuing the cycle.

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