Chapter 6 - Book Buddy

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"Huh?! Ah! Yes, it is! How did you know?"

"Of course I knew, this is one of my favorite books."

This book narrates about the murder. The story's genre is more focused in mystery, and mystery genre is my favorite genre!

I knew this book since I was still young. It was introduced by one of my two brothers. Though, we're not blood-related, we have a bond similar to siblings. We were also born on the same year.

If I describe him, he was very quiet but serious when it comes to things related to academics and literatures. He was also keen on doing strategy-related games such as chess.

And his favorite hobby during free time is reading books, including the books of Agatha Christie.

But since he want to share his hobby to someone, he chose me as a target as I am one of the youngest in the group in terms of the gap between us in months.

He always pestered me to read books by challenging me on a fight with bets, and if I lose, I have no choice but to obey him.

Unfortunately, since he was strong, I always lose to him, despite his talent in academics.

And in the end, I gave up and follow him. When I try to read books, I get tired very easily. I'm a lazy bum, after all.

But one day, when he recommend me the book named "The Murder is Announced", it became my favorite book. And since then, I became a fan of mystery genres.

"R-really? Then... Would you like to join me in reading books tomorrow?" she asked with starry eyes filled with anticipation .

"Sure, let's see each other tomorrow after classes".

"Great!" she said as she raised her left fist in the air. And immediately after, she covered her mouth with two hands as she realized that we are in the library.

"Then, see you tomorrow" she said with a blush on her cheeks.

As she was about to leave, she turned around and asked me again.

"By the way, may I ask for your name?"

"My name is Okuma Ikuto, and I love donuts" I replied.

As she heard my love for donuts, she can't help but chuckle on my answer, "I see, my name is Shiina Hiyori, nice to meet you Okuma-kun"

"Likewise" I nodded before I leave the library.

After that, we went on our separate ways. This is the beginning on how our relationship become book-buddies.


In a world called God's domain, there is one god who is the strongest amongst gods, a dangerous and powerful God that most ordinary gods fear the most.

He is the god of death, Shadow, a supreme being that kills anyone if ever someone was near in him. He repays kindness with peace while he repays evil with agonizing death. Kind to the good while being cruel to evil. He's like a yinyang that balances the good and evil of the world of the living.

Right now, he was sitting on his throne while crossing his legs. With a bored expression, he was fiddling with his pouch full of gold coins.

Speaking of gold coins, he really love gold coins, to the point that he would even bow down to someone just to acquire a meager amount of gold coins.

"Hey, why are you criticizing my interest in gold coins?! You bastard!"

(Kagenou! Why did you break the fourth wall?! Are you trying to ruin the story?!)

"Hey! Now you're telling them my real name! That's a taboo in our area!"

(Just shut up and follow the script! Don't you want to become a mysterious cool guy that you dream of?)

"Tch, fine, just don't talk bad about me when you're narrating".

(Yeah, yeah. Now...)


In short, he's sort of cool, powerful, and the most notable of all, greedy.

'Yeah, I really am' he thought as he confirm my statement without an ounce of shame.

As he was feeling proud that he was a crocodile, an old man was instantly teleported in front of him. He was a skinny old man where his bones are similar to twigs, which are easy to break.

However, don't look down at him just because he looks weak. Even though he can't be compared to Shadow, he's a God that is capable to destroy the cosmos with just one punch!

"Greetings to the supreme Shadow-sama" he said while bowing.

"Lift up your head, Zeus, you don't really need to bow down to me"

"No, I can't forgive myself if I can't show respect to you!" Zeus said with insistence.

"Fine..." Shadow has no choice but to surrender in defeat due to Zeus's unwavering loyalty.

"Anyways, how's the matter regarding that boy"

"Him...?" he said as he put his self into thinking position while rubbing his chin.

"Aha! That boy? Hehe, his interesting as you said, Shadow-sama" he answered with delight.

"I'm glad that you found him interesting"

After hearing Shadow's satisfied remark, Zeus talked to him in a serious expression, "But I'm curious about one thing Shadow-sama, why did you chose to reincarnate him to a different world? Doesn't that affect you?"

In God's domain, when a God tries to reincarnate a person to a different world, it consumes a part of their existence.

God's might be supreme beings, but every one of them aren't omnipotent. And like most people say, 'There are no such thing called free in this universe. Everyone must pay the appropriate price for their actions'.

Even Shadow can't get away from it. So what he can only do is shrug from Zeus's comment.

"Me? Don't worry about it. It just consumes a little part of me, and it really doesn't hurt at all. Besides..."

"This is nothing compared to what he experienced"

After Shadow's reply, Zeus can't help but ask, "What do you mean Shadow-sama?"

"It's because everywhere he go, death always looms around him since he was young. He's a pitiful child" he said as he let out a somber expression in his face.

"I see, so you gave him a chance because of pity, Shadow-sama" Zeus concluded since that would be a feasible scenario.

"Pity? No, I didn't do it because of pity. I did it because he is worthy on sacrificing my power on him" he said with certainty.

"How?" Zeus can't help but ask.

"Because he is strong. Everywhere he go, even if death always appeared to those who got closed to him, he's still moving forward despite his misfortunes" he said as a bright glint appeared in his eyes.

As Zeus heard Shadow's statement, his eyes shoned in amazement and said, "I see, as expected of Shadow-sama!" he shouted.

"I really wish to serve you personally Shadow-sama, but since it's my job to observe him, I need to go back right now..." Zeus said with a sad expression similar to a sad bulldog.

"Sure, you can go now, Zeus" he said before he nods to Zeus's permission.

"Then please excuse me" he said before he teleported himself.

As Zeus disappeared from his spot, Shadow leaned his head to his knuckles, and after a while, a chuckle escaped from his mouth.

"Now, show me something entertaining, Okuma Ikuto"


COTE: The Mad DemonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang