Death of the law

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Maxine exited the patrol car with dewey as they arrived at the scene. Max watched the body of Sheriff Hicks laying on the floor as she looked at her son as he exited his car.

"I need you to go and check in on the kids" maxine said as she handed him her gun. "Shoot anything with a weapon and ghost face mask"

Michael nodded as he stuck her gun into his jeans.

"What about tara?" He asked as he he looked at sam who had just arrived.

"There's a Deputy watching her as we speak. She's safe." Dewey reassured them as micharl nodded and walk off to get back in his car.

"Take care of my mom" michael said to dewey as he sped off.

Maxine and dewey then proceeded to walk off and talk to some deputies before one stopped maxine.

"Sorry only law enforcement." He said as he looked at maxine.

Maxine nodded as she proceeded to pull out her badge showing that she was in fact an Fbi Investigator.

"Woah when did that happen?" Dewey said as he looked at the badge.

"What did you think I was going to be a stay at home mom after having 2 kids?" Maxine laughed as she put her badge back in her pocket. As maxine said this they were suddenly approached by Gale as she smacked dewey in the arm.

"A text. You tell me the killer is back in a text." Gale said as she continued to smack dewey as she suddenly stopped and looked at maxine.

"Max?" Gale said in shock. "I can't believe you're back in town even though theres a new copycat killer"

"What can I say. Who's better to solve this than an original themselves." Maxine chuckled as she gave gale a hug before gale turned her attention back to dewey.

Dewey looked behind gale as he and maxine realized that she brought her filming crew with her.

"Couldn't resist a good story, could you?" Dewey said angrily as he looked back at gale.

"Don't be an idiot dewey Im here because I was worried about you." Gale said as maxine turned away in awkwardness scanning the area for a reason to escape.
Maxine stood there as dewey and gale walked off arguing as she turned to look at sam who was currently on a call. She couldn't help but feel angry and sad at how the situation with sam had gone. Max looked away as sam looked at her only to see the deputy that was supposed to be watching tara on scene.

"Oh shit. Dewey we have a problem" Maxine said as she jogged towards the deputy which caught sams attention.

"Who's at the hospital" max and sam both said in unison as they both looked at the deputy.

"Who's watching my sister" sam said as dewey finally caught up with them.

"I just heard about the sheriff" the deputy said as sam and max looked at eachother and ran off to sam's car.

"Where are you going?" Dewey questioned as he looked at them.

"Tara is in trouble" max said as she got into the passanger seat. Dewey looked at gale before running off and getting into the backseat of sams car.

"Drive" he exclaimed as sam started the car and drove off heading towards the hospital.

Sam called richie as they raced towards the hospital after not getting an answer from tara.

"Richie are you at the hospital?" Sam said as they all listened.

"Hello Samantha" said the familiar voice of ghost face. "Richie can't come to the phone right now. Hes finding out what happens to the people who stick their nose in buisness that doesn't concern them"

Scream 2: return to horrorvilleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin