feathers in a bunch

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Quackity enjoys his job.

By no means is he as important as Schlatt, but the president always makes sure that Quackity feels validated. Not only are his work partners great, but being able to help his friends and associates in the community has always been a big plus. Well, that and he gets some certain perks out in public. Discounts, free shit, love and popularity... the hard work is definitely worth it.

Quackity never fails to show up to the office with a smile, and today is no different. He greets the receptionist as usual, grabs a cookie from the jar on the desk and makes his way to Schlatt's office. Quackity has always been iffy on the fact that Jschlatt always starts early and works till late. But no matter what Quackity says he can't change the dude's mind, so he just does his best to brighten up any storm clouds for him instead.

When Quackity arrives, he finds the door shut. Usually Schlatt leaves it ajar every morning. Oh well, not a huge red flag. Quackity knocks on the door. A-ratta-tat-tat.

No answer.

Odd. He knocks again. A-ratta-tat-tat.

Again, nothing. "Schlatt?" Quackity calls. He recieves no reply. Despite the uneasy feeling crawling up his limbs and to his chest, Quackity decides to look at the situation optimistically. Maybe Schlatt finally took a hint and had a sleep-in. Or maybe he's relaxing at home. Bit of a bummer Quackity didn't know about it, but that's okay. Schlatt will probably come and greet him later. Yeah, that's it.

Quackity wants today to be an extra good day for the president. So he sets off to his own office, deciding to get all his work down extra fast and to absolute perfection.


Tubbo really doesn't want to go to work, but it could look sus if he doesn't. On his walk there, he bumps into Fundy, who apparently is in the same boat. "Are you coping alright?" Fundy asks.

Tubbo knits his brows together. "What do you think?"

Fundy takes the hint. "Yeah... dumb question. I was gonna go on a walk past the construction site later, maybe while they're doing the concrete pour."

"Do whatever, I guess." Tubbo takes a long exhale. "I'm really only worried about Big Q to be honest."

Fundy's ears flick. "How so?"

"He and Schlatt are like besties. He'll be the first to pick up on anything."

"I get ya. Whatever the case, though, I think you should try your best to stay your perky self. Otherwise he might take note of that too."


Fundy and Tubbo walk through the big glass front doors. Connor, the receptionist, rests his feet on his desk as he scrolls through his phone. He glances up at Fundy and Tubbo. "Morning."

Connor has always been kind of lax about his job. Definitely not the best receptionist, but Schlatt was a fan of the guy so he's been kept on the job. "Morning," Fundy greets in return. Tubbo waves shyly.

"You guys seen Schlatt?" Connor asks. "Quackity's got his feathers in a bunch because he's not come in today."

Tubbo's face pales slightly, however Fundy manages to keep his cool with ease. "No. We haven't. Tubbo and I just came from a nice breakfast out."

Connor doesn't think anything of it. At least, he doesn't show any hesitation. He merely shrugs. "Well don't trigger Quackity today. I already almost made that mistake."

Tubbo opened his mouth to ask for future detail, but Fundy grabbed his wrist as an indirect way of telling him to keep his mouth shut. "We'll keep that in mind. See you later."

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