1. Prom

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A/N: Dean is 22. Sam is 17. Cas is 23

"Hey, would you close up shop for me? Sammy has his senior prom today, and I want to get pictures," Dean asked the red head, straightening some comics.

Charlie grinned. "Well aren't you just the best mom ever!" She laughed. "Sure Dean, don't worry about it. Tell Sam to have a good time for me, would ya?"

Dean grinned as he opened the door. "Will do. And thanks Charlie. I owe you one." He slipped out the door.

As Dean was walking to his car, (or as he liked to call it, his baby,) he heard a shout of greeting from across the street. He turned to see Gabriel grinning goofily at him.

"Hey Deano!" He laughed. "It's little Sammy's big night, right? Ah, I remember my prom. It was... Interesting."

Dean interrupted Gabe quickly. "I don't think I want to know what happened at your Prom."

Gave let out a bark of laughter. "Fair point. On a more serious note, my brother Castiel is opening an art store next to 'Sweet Tooth.'"

Dean opened the car door. "Ok, cool. See you later Gabe. I've got to go before Sammy runs off with his date." He waved at Gabriel and climbed into his car.

"Bye Deano!" Gabriel called after him, an the man went back inside.

When Dean arrived at his small, two-room apartment, his younger brother was already dressed in his tux.

"Are you ready Sammy?" Dean asked, smiling as he put his laptop down on the table.

Sam paced back and forth. "It's Sam, Dean," he muttered under his breath. "Look, Dean, could I use your car to pick up Jess? My car is kind of lame," he asked nervously.

Dean laughed. "Do you mean ULTRA lame? Sure Sammy, as long as you let me come with you to get pictures." He grinned wickedly, and could almost hear the gears shifting in Sam's head.

On one hand, Sam needed a ride, an the ugly, old mom-mobile that he owned was the most embarrassing thing on the face of the earth. On the other hand, it would be nearly as embarrassing to have his brother show up at his date's house to snap some pictures.

Nearly, but not quite.

Sam groaned. "Fiiiinnnneee," he sighed. "But I swear, if you embarrass me, I will murder you."

Dean laughed and clapped his hands like a little kid.

"AND, you have to take my car. I'm not giving you a ride home," Sam added quickly. Dean pouted but nodded. "Okay," Sam said nervously. "Let's do this."

Dean squealed and jumped up and down. He snatched up his phone and Sam's car keys, an threw his brother the keys to the Impala. "My little boy, all grown up!" Dean smiled, and he opened the door.

Dean drove right behind his brother, following him to his girlfriend, Jess's, house. She was clearly from a respectable family. Her house was late and had that suburban family look to it.

Sam pulled up right outside the house, but Dean parked down the street. He didn't want anyone to see him driving that car.

Dean ran over and made it to the house just as Sam was knocking on the door, a bouquet of flowers clutched in his hands. Dean smiled to himself and made his way up the stairs, standing back a bit.

After a few seconds, the door swung open an revealed a plump, middle age woman who grinned up at Sam. "Sam, dear! It's so nice to see you. You look very dashing in that tux! I'll run and get Jess."

Sam smiled nervously. "Thanks Mrs. Moore," he said, and the woman disappeared inside.

She returned a moment later with a pretty blonde girl in a lilac dress. When Sam saw her, his eyes lit up.

"Jess," he breathed. "You look... beautiful." He handed her the flowers. She smiled widely at him and accepted them happily.

Dean stepped forward. "Uh, hi. I'm Dean, Sammy's older brother," he said awkwardly, shaking Mrs. Moore's hand. "I was wondering if I could get some pictures?"

Mrs. Moore broke into a huge smile. "Of course honey! That's so sweet, you're such a wonderful older brother." Sam glared at Dean as Jess snickered.

Mrs. Moore positioned the two high schoolers in front of the Impala and she and Dean took their pictures. As soon as they had finished, Sam ushered his date into the car.

Before they could escape, however, Dean tapped on the driver window. "Have fun Sammy. Charlie gives her best. Oh, and... use protection." Dean grinned mischievously as Sam gave him a hard core bitch face.

"Bitch," Dean laughed at his brother.

Sam rolled his eyes, but Dean thought that he heard a muttered "jerk." He grinned as he walked down the street towards Sam's car.

"Have fun, Sammy," he whispered to himself, and he headed back to their apartment.

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