‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ BAD HABITS

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000. GENEVA MARTINEZ, is a strange girl, much like her older brother. Geneva is Argyle's younger sister. Even though Geneva's parents are rarely around, it's enjoyable since Argyle and she stayed up late to enjoy pizza and scary movies. She has a better relationship with her brother than she does with her parents because she was practically raised by him. She doesn't feel bad about not having many friends because she prefers to be by herself. She did have a best friend named Angela, but now that she's popular, Angela pretends not to know her.

000. ANGELA SMITH, the now popular girl at school used to not be as popular as she is now. Geneva and Angela met in the girls restroom. When Geneva heard sobbing coming from one of the stalls, she tapped on the door and was greeted by a "what. " Geneva had asked what was wrong, Angela opened the door and welcomed her in, telling her how she embarrassed herself in front of everyone on her very first day at this school. Geneva made an effort to cheer Angela up by sharing humiliating incidents from her early days of school, which was successful because it caused Angela to giggle, leading to the beginning of their friendship.

000. Before she met Jake, Angela and Geneva had always been by each other's sides. Angela ended up making rumors about Geneva, that she had attempted to kiss her during a sleepover in order to join Jake's group, the two girls lost contact. Geneva found it disappointing that Angela would ever say something like that about her for some dumb guy to make out with. Geneva "stopped" having a crush on Angela, returning her calls, and handing her notes in class. Geneva couldn't hate Angela; she was just disappointed that her one and only friend-the only person she felt at ease with, the only person she ever allowed into her life, and she didn't keep out-had deceived her in such a way. Geneva stopped trying to make new friends after that and stayed home for a week but then she ended up meeting her now current friends Jane and Will Byers.

i swear if  nana was a guy

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i swear if nana was a guy

i swear if  nana was a guy

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BAD HABITS, angelaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora