Chapter 2/ shes different

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you must be stupid if you think I threw everything away.Once we got home I grabbed grandpas backpack and threw on my bed than opening it up letting everything fall on my bed, I open the journal back up to where I left off and start to read " we enter this cave that looks like an apple than we crawl threw a tunnel that leads us to a water fall inside the  cave we jump and swim to the other side than we walk to another cave and go in it and walk through it until we get to this huge area that has a huge gap between the rocks so-" I shut the journal and throw across my room as Bella walks in. "heyyyyy" I said trying to act normal  "hey" Bella said to me kinda sad as she sat on my bed " what's wrong Bells" I asked her while trying to cover grandpas belongs from his bag that was behind me with blankets " nothings its just I'm confused" she said while staring at her hands that where on her lap "why" I asked her kinda nervous thinking she saw the journal and everything " because why did Vinnie show up out of all the days why today. Today was really hard for me because I grew up there like that's where my memories were made and he showed up today. And when I ask him why he shuts me out and won't let me in" she said with and upset tone " maybe he's realizing that he needs you and wanted to make things right" I suggested to her. " no it's definitely not that" she states as she shakes her head " how do you know" I ask looking at her confused " because it's been 4 years he wanted something but then heard that grandpa passed away so he didn't want to be a douche I promise you tomorrow at school he will be back to his self" she says standing up and walking to the door and then turning around to look at me " at least he didn't want be a douche" I tell her trying to crack a smile from her which she did " yeah, well night soph see you in the morning". Bella said as she walked out of of my room. " yeah night" I said than standing up to close my door and turning around looking at the journal that's flipped upside down in the corner of my room by my record player. I walk over to it crouching down grabbing it and than walking to my bed sitting on it and Began reading this journal that I didn't know at the time but would change my life forever.

I open my eyes to the sound of and annoyed beeping going off called my alarm at 6 am. I turn the alarm off and than look out my window where the sun is barely coming up. The view is amazing from my window it's the ocean a palm tree where my surf board was leaning up on it. God I love living in Hawaii it's just so nice to not be cold or worry about getting new tiers for every season. " Bella Sofia it's time to wake up" I heard my mom yell from down the hallway "great" I mutter to my self and than get up.

"Morning mom" I say as I walk into the kitchen seeing my mom at the table with coffee looking out of the window that shows her garden with birds all over. " morning honey" she says not barring a glance at me, she loves the view and just taking in everything she loves to journal everything everyday she says it's for us so we can remember the smallest thing and when she passed we have something left of her. I hear someone come down to the stairs and walked past me to the fridge realizing that it's Sophia I start to talk to her " morning soph" " morning bells" she's says with a tired voice " be in the car by 7:15 to leave" I tell her and than walk to the bathroom to take my pills. Your probably wondering what are the pills for well there for my anxiety only 3 people know how bad my anxiety is and those 3 people are my mom, grandpa, and well vinnie like I said he knew everything about me. As I get done in the bathroom I walk out and go to the front door opening it and walking out to my driveway where my car is and getting my keys out of my backpack unlocking it and getting in and starting it. I wait 5 minutes until Sophia gets in "7:22" I say and looking at her with and annoyed look " sorry I had to feed mr. Bum" she said talking about her fish I just roll my eyes and pull out.

" good morning," my best friend Sarah says to me as she jumps on my back while I'm at my locker putting books away before first period " good morning to you," I say and look at her " ugh isn't it just an amazing morning," Sarah says with a smile on her face " what got you in a good mood and don't say global warming because I know that's not true," I say looking at her and pushing her shoulder " well you know Jett right," she says smiling and pulling up her strap to her bag " um I don't personally know him but I heard of him," I say as I turn around grabbing my Spanish and justice books and notebooks " well he called last night asking if I was doing anything this Saturday," she says to me while I'm still turned around " and you said yeah right," I ask while turning around looking at her trying to remind her that we're going night surfing " um yeah I told him that," she said. God she's such a bad liar " Sarah" I say with an annoyed voice shutting my locker and walking down the hallway and her following after " look I'm sorry I just got so excited that I said no but he invited me to a party and he said I could bring a friend" she says looking at me with a smile " no" I say " yes" Sarah says " Sarah no not now not after my grandpa" I say stopping in my tracks turning to look at her as she does the same thing " come on Bella I really like him please just do this one this for me" she says with a pleading look " does this mean a lot to you" I ask " yes yes it does" she says " fine" I say giving in and rolling my eyes. Sarah gets happy and starts screaming and jumping up and down i sigh than she jumps on my back "to first period my driver" she yells with her arm In the air "onward" she yells again "bitch your funny" I said as I drop her we both start walking and laughing when out of the corner of my eye I see Vinnie looking at us.

How can someone be so beautiful laughing I thought to myself as I leaned up against my locker waiting for Jett " hey bro" Jett says as he walks down the hallway " sup" I said as he came closer dabbing him up " bro did you see Hannah today she looking a little fine Im'a try to get with her tonight" he states as he looks at me "psh yeah right man I've been trying to hit that since the 8th grade" I said leaning off my locker beginning to walk away " well that's you but me well I'm different and plus how can anyone resist this pout" Jett says as he follows me and than pouting " mostly everyone" I said laughing at the end "fuck you" he says dropping his pout " you know if you were gay you would want too" I said "no way bro ew" he state's dramatically loud.  As we turn the corner Alex's walks up "ayo vinnie" he says walking closer to me dabbing me up "sup Alex how's life man" I ask as we stop walking standing in the middle of the hallway " it's been good my mom's threatening to kick me out again" he answers " well you know where too go if you need one" I said "thanks bro" Alex's says we continue talking when out of the corner of my eye I see Sophia walking down the hallway with some friends " sup soph" I said nodding my head up " oh uh hey vinnie" Sophia said back confused while her friends look at her smiling as they walk by " who was that" jack asked looking at me " oh she's Bella's little sister" I said waving it off like it's nothing " omg wasn't Bella obsessed with you before high school that's why she always hung around you " Jett says laughing at the end I just look at them and said " no Bella wasn't obsessed with me and she will never will, she's different than most of the girls that's what I like about her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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