'What are you going to do Miranda?' Muta asked as I used the master key.

"What I should have done a while ago," I muttered to myself.

'Nothing you will later regret, I hope.'

"He won't die," I hissed as I walked through the door. The man was just a lump of covers on the bed. His snores roared through my ears. "He will even work for the dam. I just want to make...a few improvements." Muta remained silent, but I felt the silent approval vibrate throughout my body. My eyes glowed with anger as I finally stared down the man that hit my wife. Anger burned like a roaring fire through my chest. He deserved what I wanted to do to him. A fate worse than hell. I opened a portal underneath him and he fell through like a rock in water. I heard the loud thud on the table from the other side. A crueler smile cracked across my lips. The alcohol kept him asleep. This was just too perfect. I did not even need Donna's flowers. I stepped through and closed us into the lab. Muta's vines ripped the blankets off of him and tied him down to the metal table.

"Mmm...w-what," a groggy, drunken groan stirred from him as he tried to move. His body tugged against the restraints before his eyes cracked open to the blinding lights above us. "What's...what's going on," he grumbled. The more he tried to move, the more he struggled. Joy filled me as the restraints tightened on their own. Red stung eyes drooped before they fell on me. "Miranda? What's the meaning of this?" His voice quickly turned to outrage as he pulled harder against the restraints. Blood trickled from the grips as he bucked and kicked and tried to escape. Rage turned into panic as the smile widened on my face.

"You know, I heard a story today. A tale of a lowly fisherman sparring with my wife." My tone was light and airy as he stopped dead in his tracks.

"She was telling the truth!?" Moreau asked in shock.

"Of course, it's true. Why do you think she's here all the time?" My eyes aimed to the ceiling as he continued with his struggle. "I'm pretty sure she is sleeping in my bed upstairs because she is my wife. That or its just comfier than the one in her own room. A room she hasn't used in decades." My wrist flicked and a vine wrapped around his neck. His head forcibly slammed against the table. "But, yes, she's my wife. And I have to admit, I don't take kindly to seeing a bruise on her cheek."

"Your wife is a witch!" A laugh of disbelief fell from my lips.

"I haven't heard that comment since the 1800's," I chuckled.

"1800's?" His eyes widened as the vine wrapped tighter around his neck. I nodded with joy. "Yes, you heard me right. I'm probably older than you." A small pout tugged on my lips as shock stayed permanently on his reddening face. "What? Am I not as attractive anymore since I'm older? Or is it because I have a wife to call my own and you don't?" I tsked as I slowly shook my head and turned toward the desk behind me. A few jars of freshly created cadou sat there ready to be used. Eager even by the way they pulsated against their murky solution. I snapped my fingers. His neck was finally released for air.


"Oh, this is just too easy," I chuckled as I grabbed two jars and turned back around. "You are in a village you barely even know with people that are annoyed by you and controlled by me. I don't think you will be getting away with anything here." His thrashing stopped as he processed the words. I wish I had a camera. The expression was priceless. It was one of total defeat and fear that he should have had when he first met me. "Now, let us see if what this lovely cadou will do to you, shall we?"

Screams of terror flooded the lab throughout the night.

Isabella never even woke up to check.

The next morning came in a flash. 

I was left alone with a curious mind a lot of ways I could experiment with plenty of cadou freshly made for just this occasion.

The next morning. I felt completely refreshed. Moreau was healing in the lab. He was still chained down to the table even though he slept. On this rare occasion, Isabella was not up yet. I decided that she deserved for me to make her breakfast and coffee this morning. As I got to cooking, I heard a knock on the door. My mind was curious as I opened the door. Duke sat in his carriage with a grin on his face. It was such a sight for sore eyes. I beamed up at him. "Good morning Dukan!"

"Miranda! You seem rather cheerful this morning! Odd to see you up and not Isabella." I waved off the comment as I aimed for a rag to wipe flour off my hands.

"I thought she would appreciate sleeping in this morning."

"Your eyes look like you hadn't got a wink of sleep," he commented. "Would you like a new coffee to try for that? I've been told it could even wake the dead."

"I already have coffee brewing, but I appreciate the offer. I'll be sure to have Isabella grab some from you during her next grocery trip."

"Wonderful! Wonderful." I nodded as I turned toward the oven. I hated leaving things unattended.

"Did you need something from her Duke? I could always wake her."

"Actually, you were the woman I wanted to see." The words surprised me as I turned back to him.

"What do you need?"

"I just wanted to thank you for the train. It really meant the world to me. How on Earth did you get it?" A smaller smile graced my lips.

"You don't want to know." I waved him off. "Let's just say I make friends everywhere I go." Duke nodded, but I knew he wanted to ask more questions. The sound of a high pitched laugh broke our concentration. I turned to Donna and her porcelain sidekick as they trailed down the stairs looking for breakfast. "Ah, my troublemakers are awake. I should probably make their breakfast."

"Of course, of course. Have fun being the cook! I'll be over here if you need anything."

"Actually," I muttered as I snapped a finger toward my pocket. I took out the receipt that Leviathan gave me the night before. "I need you to put Moreau's signature on a binding contract that I can show officials if need be." Duke perked up at the request as he took the parchment. "Since you're on the council as well, it won't look weird if you were to handle is contract."

"Did you finally kill him?"

"No, no, nothing of the sort. He's just a brand new experiment. Obviously he can't leave with the cadou in him."

"I'll have this done within the hour."

"Take your time. I'm not finished with him anyways. In fact, I-." My words were cut short as the bottom of my robes tugged down. My eyes turned to a doll that was begging for food. "You can't even eat. How are you hungry?"

"I CAN eat!" Angie argued. "And Donna's hungry too!" I rolled my eyes. Dolls. Of all things, the doll was going to act like a child more than Donna did.

"Alright, alright. I'm coming. Just don't wake Isabella. She deserves her rest." Duke chuckled as the wheels of his carriage rolled back on their own. I closed the door. The silent shadow of a daughter sat at the table with a book in her hands. The veil was neatly placed on top of her head. When I walked up to her, her attention turned to me. The book closed with a ghost's whisper. "You will take that off to eat breakfast, I'm sure." She only nodded. And with that, I turned and went back to cooking our breakfast. 

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