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Dear Louise

If one day you would have told me that Louise Bianchi was self-conscious about driving a single-seater I would have laughed so badly.

Don't get me wrong Loulou, it's not that I think it's stupid - I fully understand your concerns - it's just the fact that you are one of the most talented drivers I've ever met in my life. To me, you always were better than Jules or Charles, and I'm sure you still are. Talent like yours is hard to lose.

Surely, I can find at least 3 FRECA teams that would let you drive, Prema being one of them. Please remember that most of the drivers only have an F4 background and you have one as well.

I think the best thing could be to test an F4 car again ? A bunch of kart tracks around Nice have some and I think you could rent one ? Or maybe I could ask Prema to let you drive one of their old ones on a track next to their factory.

I'm here if you need anything.


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