Chapter 21 Review.

Start from the beginning


No one POVs

Aurora and Y/N practiced the basics of magic gladly it was easy to learn it.

Professor Ursula advised them on some different exams in the Academy.

Aurora was almost falling asleep at Professor Ursula's discussion on bird language.

Y/N slap Aurora's neck and suddenly she woke up at Y/N's slap on her neck.

Professor Ursula grabbed something under the table.

Y/N and Aurora were confused about what Professor Ursula grabbed under the table.

Professor Ursula took a cage that was inside a raven.

Professor Ursula tells Y/N and Aurora to try to language at the raven saying.

Y/N and Aurora looked at each other confusedly.

Y/N Pov

The raven was making some raven noises

I put my index and thumb at my chin and think deeply.

Suddenly, I have gotten an idea. I quickly took out my wand and point it at myself.

Aurora looked at me confused. "Y/N why are you pointing your wand at yourself?" Aurora asked me.

"I'm thinking outside of the box," I responded to her.

"Such interesting thinking Y/N." Professor Ursula replied to me.

"Metamorphie Faciesse!" I said.

I cast a spell myself to turn to be a raven. Suddenly, I became a raven.

I flew at the raven and looked at him.

"Mr. Raven, can you understand what I'm saying?" I asked the raven.

"Yes, I can understand what your saying, young lady." The raven said with a British accent.

"Oh! Gladly you understand it. My name is Y/N L/N by the way." I replied to the raven.

"Fancy to meet you Y/N. My name is Joseph." Joseph respond to me.

"Nice to meet you too Joseph," I said.

I was shocked I can understand bird language.

"I can't believe that I can understand what the bird saying!" I replied to him.

"Wonderful you can understand. Now excuse me I'm gonna take a short nap," Joseph respond to me.

"Oh alright," I said.

I flew away and land at Aurora's table and transformed into myself again.

"I can understand what the birds saying now," I spoke to Aurora.

"Your ideas are really useful to you Y/N," Aurora responds to me.

I smiled at her. "Well thank you, Aurora," I replied to her.

Suddenly, The raven makes noises again.

I looked at Joseph. "He said it was truly pleasant to talk to somebody who transforms to be a raven like him," I translate to them.

Professor Ursula smiled at me. "Great Job Y/N you learned bird language by using Metamorphosis magic." Professor Ursula spoke to me.

"Thank you, Professor Ursula," I respond to her.

"Professor Ursula can we continue this tomorrow I'm kinda tired now," Aurora said with an exhausted tone.

Professor Ursula smiled at Aurora. "Alright, let's continue this tomorrow." Professor Ursula replied to Aurora.

Aurora smiled and quickly get up and leaves the study room.

I sighed and helped Professor Ursula to clean the books we used.

"Professor Ursula I have a question," I spoke to her.

"What is it Y/N?" Professor Ursula replied to me.

"Why didn't you invite Akko to study with us for the upcoming exam?" I asked her.

"Well, Akko will be next week before the upcoming exam." Professor Ursula explained to me.

I looked out the window and noticed Akko is trying to make magic with her shiny rod.

"I see. I hope we passed the upcoming exam next week." I said.

Professor Ursula walked beside me. "It's okay if you didn't pass the exam at least you try your best." Professor Ursula replied to me.

I smiled at her and walked in front of the door.

I was gonna open it but I looked at Professor Ursula. "Thank you, Professor Ursula, for teaching us about the upcoming exam," I spoke to her.

Professor Ursula smiled at me. "It's my pleasure to help you guys." Professor Ursula respond to me with a calm tone.

I smiled back at her and opened the door and leave the study room.

I was walking in the hallway peacefully on the way to the dorm.

While I was walking in the hallway suddenly a white bird land on my right shoulder.

I stopped walking and looked at the bird.

I noticed the bird's beak had a small piece of paper on it.

The bird gave me small pieces of paper from his beak.

I was confused that a strange bird gave me a piece of paper.

"Thank you?" I said.

The bird chirped and flew away from me.

I opened the paper and read what it said.

Dear Y/N

Next two weeks we will have a school trip. My dorm mates are relatively addicted to shopping so they will be busy buying some things they need. I was wondering if you could hang out with me for a while when my dorm mates are gone.

From your friend: Diana Cavendish.

I closed the piece of paper and think deeply.

"Sure why not?" I said to myself.

I continue to walk and head to my dorm.

Little didn't Y/N know Diana was listening to her while you were reading the paper she gave.

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