in search of a kid

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I just read my new mission and I'm not all pleased with it. I'm trying to catch this one guy but to do that I need to have a fake family. FYI I'm a spy and a good one at that. My code name is Twilight but most people call me Master of Disguise. I can fool anyone into thinking I'm somebody else.

I am looking for apartments for me to stay in. I don't need one that big just yet. I find this very nice one in room 387. I put my things away and go for a walk while I was passing an orphanage.
'I should probably go in there to find a kid.' I think to myself walking up to the door. I knock and nobody answers I knock again and the door opens to a tall drunk blond lady with her hair in pigtails.
"He-*hickup*y I'm tun-*hickup*ade please co-*hickup*me inside." She said drunk. We start walking down a hall with children cluttered to the sides.
"Umm, ma'am can I see the smartest kid here please?" I ask. She looks over her shoulder and nods.
"Here we are *hiccup* she the smartest one-*hickup* we got. Ple-*hickup*ase take her She creeps me and the oth-*hickup*er kids out." She says. I look down at the kid and she is very small probably no older than 4.
"6, I'm 6," the girl says.
"I'm Naruko," the girl said smiling at me with a fox toy in her arms. She doesn't look all that smart too be honest. Idk how she will do on the spy mission. Then all of a sudden the little girl turns around and grabs a crossword puzzle. She shows it to me and then she starts doing it I look over and see the words. This would be tough for any other adult but I'm a spy so this is easy. ( insert 4 big words not a lot of people would know)the girl sets her pencil down and shows me the crossword again. My eyes widened, it was filled out correctly! She was smarter than she looked.
"I'll take her, where's the paperwork?" I ask the drunk lady behind me.
"No need *hiccup* just take her." The lady says. I am hooked but don't argue because less paperwork for me.
"OK little girl-Naruko" she corrects me.
"Naruko now refer to me as 'papa' or 'father's and if anyone asked tell them you were always my daughter, ok," I tell him while walking out of the orphanage.
"OK chi-chi" she says I can't believe I'm a part of a spy mission, ekkk! So exciting!' Naruko thinks to herself. the reason she knows it is a spy mission is that just like her dad she has secrets too because she is a secret telepathy which means she can read minds.

Only for the mission... right? ( Naruto AU) (spyXfamily Au)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن