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"I understand if Alice and Younghoon are close," Iris spoke in her tiniest voice, crossing her arms against her chest. "But Anne and Juyeon, since when?"

"Since the breakfast, you missed out on this morning," Jaehyun replied, sensing her stare that was piercing through his skull. "What?"

Iris sighed, trailing along the shop lot in the downtown where they chose for shopping. It almost seemed like they had planned from the beginning to walk in pairs - which they wouldn't, if Juyeon hadn't come this morning.

"I wish I could turn back time and join the breakfast," she said, halting in front of a shop of accessories made up of beads.

"They said you slept too well," Jaehyun joined her at the shop, skimming the accessories as well. "If I were them, I'd do the same. I will let you sleep."

It was then, that Iris felt somewhat uncomfortable. She turned to see him, zero emotion tinted. Suddenly she felt pathetic for an unknown reason.

"Do I look weak?" she bluntly asked, making the guy flinch, and understand the meaning.

"Iris, I did not mean that way," he flustered, trying hard not to make her offended. "I'm sorry."

Clicking her tongue, a smirk was then drawn upon her face as she focused back on the accessories.

"I am sorry for sounding too bitter," softly sighed, she wished she could bite back her words.

She must admit, her emotion these days was something she couldn't hold for quite long, she had changed into someone who would speak her mind anytime she wanted to.

Although she knew, that not all people could stand that behavior.

However, Jaehyun never blamed her. If he was in her position, he was sure he would have felt the same.

"Iris," he called, earning a hum from the girl who was getting interested in the bead accessories. "I know you are strong. I am sure you can go through this hard time."

For a moment, Iris was lost for words. Contrary to the guy who had a pair of hopeful gazes as their eyes met, the girl somehow was clueless, oblivious of how to react.

Having someone encouraging her was too rare, let alone trusting her wholly. Jaehyun might be the first since her girls usually cared for her secretly.

"Thanks, I guess," she shrugged, immediately turning her heels to lead the way.

Little did she know her wrist was softly yanked by him. He pointed to the bead bracelet displayed with his eyes, offering her to choose one.

He could see how she was flinching, maybe taken aback by the abrupt offer. Or she felt uncomfortable since she was someone's girl to receive such a gift.

"I won't force you to wear it, I know the limit between friends," he assured, taking the paid bracelet of her choice from the seller and extending it to her. "It was just a gift."

Iris was the type of girl who wouldn't take gifts from her friends easily without any concrete reasons like a birthday. She felt like she was burdening someone by buying her gift.

But still, she took it from him after much consideration.

"I'll make sure I'll do the same for you in the future," she said, not breaking contact with the thing in her grasp.

"I'll be waiting," the guy joked, he was the first one walking away from the shop after thanking the seller. "Let's find ice cream at least."

He did not realize that Iris hadn't budged from her last position, as well as breaking the stare on the bracelet.

It seemed like she was in a deep thought but, it couldn't be identified what had been disturbing her little mind.

Until she finally spoke up which made Jaehyun slightly surprised.

"When I am fully healed from this misery or have been released from this pressure, I will wear this bracelet," she looked up at him, softly smiling. "For you to know that I have moved on."

Biting his lower lip, Jaehyun scooted closer to her by two steps, squinting his eyes towards her, "Why do you tell me this?"

He was expecting her to be flustered or maybe flushing blood to her cheeks tinting them red, but he was wrong.

None of them happened.

Instead, she cackled, shrugging ever so slightly, "Maybe because I tend to let my friends know the reasons behind all of my actions."

Regardless, sooner she would realize, that only Jaehyun had been informed with such information.

ANAGAPESISजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें