𝕋𝕣𝕪 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕗 𝕒𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕗

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All I remembered, up until that time, were sand dunes tickling my feet, the warm breeze blowing through my hair, and unquestionably, the ticket. I had no idea where the ticket was from, let alone my identity and credentials.

'Do I go to that place? Where can I even find the station? Does it even exist? Who am I? What is my name? Who and where are my parents?' I didn't know any of them. 

It was like I had just arrived into this world, like a newly born baby. That's when I concocted 3 goals to achieve in life: To escape this barren desert, to get to this station and ride the train, and most importantly, to unearth my past, my family, and my true name.

I was thinking of a name to give to myself while I was on this journey, a name perfect for my current state of mind. That's when it hit me: Sigma. From now on, I would be named Sigma, the lonely and destitute man without a family, name, or past; a soul that was enshrouded in darkness and was in a constant state of struggle, a struggle to find the truth and get to the light at the end of the ever-stretching tunnel of endeavor. From then onwards, I promised not to die until I found the truth, the truth of my life, and I promised to never see anyone going through difficulties with my own two eyes, without trying my best to help them, for success comes to those who are humble and dedicate everything to their passion in life. This is my story. This is how I acquired what I truly wanted in life, by losing my sense of life.

For now, I'll take small steps, until the time comes when I can take giant leaps someday. My first small step was to get out of this desert. Then a thought came to my mind: 

'If the small steps are so big, then what will the big steps look like?' 'Or perhaps I am so futile that such tiny steps seem huge and complicated to me. Look how stupid I am anyways; I end up in the middle of a desert with no knowledge of my name, family, or past. Perhaps I truly am weak and useless'.

 I knew I had to combat these thoughts out of my mind if I wanted to escape this desert. But how could one reject thoughts when deep down, he knows they are true?

All of a sudden, there was a strong gust which broke my brief period of contemplation, and the ticket flew right out of my hands. I was chasing the ticket for 10 minutes straight as it flew through the wind, past the sand dunes. Finally, it landed on an oasis, so I gently lifted it off with a deceased palm leaf on the ground. The ticket was a bit soggy, of course, but in a repairable condition. The ticket was my only hope. If I lost it, so would my dreams, my goals, literally my entire life.

It was a small oasis barricaded by date trees and lush vegetation, with dead leaves lying on the ground. There were bushes of flowers in mauve, vermillion, and yellow hues. A small lake was centered at the oasis with tall reed stalks growing out of them. The sun was constantly flaring in the sky and resting in the peaceful shade was a one-in-a-million opportunity. That's when it struck me: Food, water. They were all in front of me. 

Instinctively, I struck a date tree and quaffed as much water as my stomach could hold. For a boy lost in the desert with no knowledge of his name, family, or past, I was actually doing quite well for my first day. That was until I heard a slight rustle in the leaves, and ended up making direct eye contact with a desert lion. I definitely did a great job on my first day, definitely

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