Chapter 2: Welcome to the Family Madrigal

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Many years later, it was the start of a new day. Inside the house, there were a pair of glasses resting on a shelf. Casita shifted the shelf, so that the glasses slid down it, and a hand grabbed them and put them on.

The same figure grabbed a skirt from a sewing machine that had her own unique designs on them, and pulled them up her legs. Casita then bounced her shoes over to her, and she slipped them on as she walked by.

She then opened her closet and dug through it until she found a bag that had the name 'Mirabel' stitched on it. She slung it over her shoulder and walked over to her bedroom door.

An fifteen year old Mirabel took a deep breath and put a smile on her face.

"Make your family proud." She told herself before exiting the room.


The stairs became a ramp, and Mirabel slid down it, passing a portrait of her Abuelo.

"Morning Abuelo!" She greeted, and slid down the rest of the stairs.

Mirabel walked into the kitchen and Casita slid a bunch of plates into her arms.

"Hey! When's the magic Gift happening?" A kid yelled from outside the window.

"My cousin's ceremony is tonight." She responded, while setting the table.

"What's his Gift?" Another kid shouted aggressively.

"We're gonna find out!"

"What's your Gift?" A little boy drinking coffee asked.

"Who's asking?" Mirabel replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Us!" They said that the same time.

"Well, 'us,' I can't just talk about myself. I'm only part of the amazing Madrigals."

"Who's all the amazing Madrigals?" The kids pestered.

"You know they're not gonna leave you alone right?" A voice told her.

Mirabel looked over to another open window and saw a now eighteen year old (Y/n) resting her elbow on the window sill and had her head resting on her hand.

Mirabel laughed. "Yeah, I got that."

"You gotta tell them now."

"Well, alright. Casita, help me out."

Mirabel: "Drawers!"

Casita opened and closed the cabinet drawers.

Mirabel: "Floors!"

The tiles on the floor moved in a wave like fashion.

Mirabel: "Doors!"

All the glowing doors started to make noise as well.

Mirabel: "Let's go! This is our home. We've got every generation. So full of music, a rhythm of it own design."

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