Their shared housecat jumps from Shoyo's side almost being crushed, scurrying over to greet Hitoka. The cat is named Angus literally just for shits and giggles, a three year old cuddly menace. She picks him up to pet him and he nuzzles into her touch, acting like he didn't just get cat hair all over her dark slacks His fur is orange and white, given he's a tabby cat so the hair was very noticeable. She sets Angus down and he runs off somewhere, Shoyo throws a lint roller at her and she catches it with ease. Groaning when she realizes why it was thrown at her, using it immediately after thanking him and cursing their cat. 'How does it get EVERYWHERE'

"Welcome Home! It's your night to feed Angus, and your foods in the microwave. I think it's still warm so check before heating it up, and meds on the countertop with a cold water bottle I just put out, I heard your car pull up. How was your day? Don't forget you've had your contacts in since this morning, take them out before your shower but not before you wash your hands since you touched Angus. Toss me back the roller will ya? his hair is all over my seat. OH also you-"

He rambled about her night routine her while looking like literal death. Only glancing at her once to make sure she was listening. She giggles at his current attire and attitude, even while he was visibly struggling he still had the heart to take care of others. That is something she truly loves about her friend. They always put others first before themselves but know when they need to ask for help. ( They pronouns for Shoyo in this sentence )

She thanked him and went back to the kitchen area to reheat her food, it was still warm but she likes to eat her food hot. Grabbing her meds she opens the bottle and shakes out two, taking them while her food re heats. After she swallowed them she heard the beep from the microwave. She licks her lips, after grabbing her food, going over to the living room to sit on the loveseat after washing her hands.

Thanking him for the food before digging in. Shoyo takes a sip of his coffee, having gone cold from sitting out for so long. He's too occupied in his head so, he doesn't even notice. Smacking his lips before setting down the mug. A gag gift from Yachi, a custom cat mug that looks like Angus, she claims it's not him that she just found it... right cause every cat mug is gonna have Angus's birthmark on it, plus a very 'nice' picture on the bottom when he goes to take a sip. It's his favorite mug, but don't tell Angus or Hitoka that.

She tells Shoyo about her day, him listening intently while aggressively typing. While Shoyo was on his solo chair, leaning back, legs hanging off the side. He's uncomfortable now. Eventually fed up he closes the overheating Macbook in his lap that's making that really loud uncomfortable whirring sound before setting it down on the coffee table. He rubs his eyes again after taking off his glasses once more, deciding to keep them off. Too much screen time. Too many tabs opened of job openings and a few from his social media. Unopened dms and unfinished resumes, he's about to puke if he has to see the phrase "What are your strengths and weaknesses" One. More. Fucking. Time.

Eventually his focus sets back on Yachi. Letting out hums to show he was listening, even perks up a few times, raising his eyebrows when she mentions something happening at work which is why she was a little late. Something about a worker abruptly quitting ? After she confirmed she was done telling him about her day, Hinata sat up in his seat quite fast making his head spin. Flattening out his hoodie blanket first before fiddling with his thumbs. One of the nervous habits he never grew out of. Going to say something before shutting his mouth and go back to looking deep in thought.

Yachi slows down her chewing, confusion yet concern visibly plastered on her face. She sets her fork down before clearing her throat before voicing her concerns towards her slightly shaking roommate.

"Shoyo, it's okay just take a deep breath. Whatever you have to say I'll listen you know that." Shoyo slaps his cheeks, making Hitoka take a spit take. He shook his head, blinking a few times and hands her a napkin, finally deemed himself ready to speak to Yachi. After taking a deep breath he speaks. Yachi just continues eating waiting him to speak to her.

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