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Okay, so I usually do a chapter like this, to give my readers a better visual while they read. So if you want a better visual, this chapter will give you the direct appearances of most of the characters. Enjoy! (Note: You can always just skip this, if it's too boring for you.) Enjoy! The main character (Jadepool) is on the cover, so she won't be added here.

) Enjoy! The main character (Jadepool) is on the cover, so she won't be added here

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That's Prince Bloodhawk. He is the son of Queen Ruby,  Prince Cliff's younger brother, and a real sweet guy. In case you haven't noticed, he is a SkyWing. (shown above)

That's the IceWing of this group

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That's the IceWing of this group. His name is Froststar. He is very grumpy. think of him as a cross of Winter, but less blatantly rude. He is a 1st circle IceWing who prides himself on dignity. 

That is Hypnotize

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That is Hypnotize. She's a SilkWing but she's very fierce. She does have a soft side though, she IS a SilkWing. 

That's Weevilsting

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That's Weevilsting. She's a HiveWing. She likes to sing. About things. (heh heh) 

Meet Oakflower

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Meet Oakflower. She lived in a tower. She has leafspeak power. She's very sweet and never glowers. (heh. heh heh.) 

That, there, is Springdew

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That, there, is Springdew. She is a brownish hue. She only hates a select few. (*snorkle* heh. heh heh heh.) 

That's all for you! (*bursts out laughing*) 

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